The BetterProfile plugin enhances the new simplified profile UI by displaying all roles and adding a scroller for both the roles and the full about me section.
- Roles Display: Shows all roles in the profile UI.
- About Me Scroller: Adds a scroller to the about me section to ensure it is fully visible.
- Download: Download the BetterProfile plugin from the repository.
- Install: When installed, open the file and you should be prompted to it's auto installation feature.
- Enjoy: Enable the plugin in the settings tab and plugins for BetterDiscord.
- ZEIN_TRY: The author of the BetterProfile plugin.
- 903955199469695037: The author's Discord ID.
- 1.0.0: The current version of the BetterProfile plugin.
- Invite: Join the support server using the invite link:
Created by ZEIN_TRY, Suggested by jedithfreelance
To remove roles from a member(if you have the permissions to), you have to open the big profile by clickig on the user's profile picture and remove from there I cannot do that to the plugin whatsoever, due to BetterDiscord not allowing self-bot
Made with ❤️ by ZEIN_TRY