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Mouse tissues and cell types

Shao, Xin edited this page Aug 4, 2021 · 2 revisions
  • Bladder Mesenchymal stromal cell Dendritic cell Endothelial cell Urothelium Umbrella cell Basal epithelial cell Natural killer cell Stromal cell Vascular endothelial cell Epithelial cell Macrophage Smooth muscle cell

  • Blood B cell Dendritic cell Neutrophil Monocyte Macrophage T cell Erythroblast Basophil Natural killer cell

  • Bone_marrow Multipotent progenitor cell Pre-pro B cell Erythrocyte Dendritic cell Granulocyte monocyte progenitor cell Megakaryocyte progenitor cell B cell Hematopoietic stem progenitor cell Megakaryocyte Proerythrocyte Erythrocyte progenitor cell Osteoblast Mesenchymal stem cell Basophil Macrophage Fibroblast Endothelial cell Eosinophil progenitor cell Erythroblast Eosinophil Neutrophil Monocyte progenitor cell Neutrophil progenitor cell Monocyte Mast cell Myoblast T cell Stromal cell Reticular cell

  • Bone_Marrow_mesenchyme Proerythrocyte Fibroblast Granulocyte monocyte progenitor cell Neutrophil Megakaryocyte Endothelial cell B cell Eosinophil Mesenchymal stem cell Reticular cell Erythrocyte Myoblast Erythroblast Basophil Osteoblast Stromal cell

  • Brain Granulocyte Hypothalamic ependymal cell Neuron Oligodendrocyte precursor cell Pan-GABAergic Macrophage Microglia Astroglial cell Myelinating oligodendrocyte Astrocyte Schwann cell

  • Embryonic_mesenchyme Lymphoid progenitor cell Reproductive tissues Dendritic cell Neuron Erythroblast Erythroid cell Endothelial cell Muscle cell Neuronal progenitor cell Skeletal muscle cell Macrophage Ganglion cell Stromal cell

  • Fetal_brain Purkinje cell Radial glia Schwann cell Ependymal cell Postmitotic neuron Stromal cell Macrophage Erythrocyte Dopaminergic neuron Pyramidal neuron Granule neuron Microglia Hippocampus neuron Neuron Erythroblast Neural progenitor cell

  • Fetal_intestine T cell Neuron Macrophage Acinar cell Enterocyte progenitor cell Erythroblast Enteric muscle cell Epithelial cell Stromal cell

  • Fetal_liver Mast cell B cell Hepatocyte Stem and progenitor cell Dendritic cell Megakaryocyte Macrophage Erythroblast Neutrophil

  • Fetal_lung Smooth muscle cell Erythroblast Epithelial cell Macrophage Neutrophil Stromal cell

  • Fetal_stomach Acinar cell Immunocyte Endocrine progenitor cell Erythroblast Macrophage Epithelial cell Progenitor cell Mast cell Muscle cell Stromal cell Neutrophil Neuron Endocrine cell Stomach cell

  • Intestine S cell Mast cell Columnar epithelium Erythroblast Dendritic cell Macrophage Stromal cell T cell B cell Paneth cell Epithelial cell Epithelium of small intestinal villi

  • Kidney Dendritic cell Fenestrated endothelial cell S1 proximal tubule cell Glomerular epithelial cell Distal convoluted tubule Stromal cell Distal collecting duct principal cell T cell Proximal tubule cell Proximal tubule brush border cell Epithelial cell Intercalated cell Endothelial cell Neutrophil progenitor cell Macrophage Metanephric mesenchyme Adipocyte Ureteric epithelium Thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle B cell

  • Liver Stromal cell Pericentral hepatocyte Endothelial cell Neutrophil T cell Granulocyte Erythroblast Hepatocyte Macrophage Epithelial cell Kuppfer cell B cell Dendritic cell Periportal hepatocyte

  • Lung Ig<U+2212>producing B cell Conventional dendritic cell Eosinophil granulocyte Dendritic cell Ciliated cell Alveolar bipotent progenitor cell Stromal cell Dividing T cell Neutrophil granulocyte B cell Interstitial macrophage Nuocyte Dividing cell Endothelial cell Natural killer cell Plasmacytoid dendritic cell Alveolar macrophage Basophil T cell Dividing dendritic cell AT1 cell AT2 cell Monocyte progenitor cell Clara cell

  • Mammary_gland Dividing cell Luminal cell T cell Mast cell Ductal luminal cell Natural killer cell Myeloid leukocyte Luminal progenitor cell Muscle cell Myoepithelial cell Endothelial cell B cell Macrophage Stem and progenitor cell Adipocyte Neuron Stromal cell Secretory alveoli cell Dendritic cell

  • Muscle T cell Dendritic cell Muscle progenitor cell Macrophage Stromal cell Muscle cell Endothelial cell Granulocyte monocyte progenitor cell Neutrophil B cell Erythroblast

  • Neonatal_calvaria Osteoblast Stromal cell Neutrophil Mast cell Neuron Dividng cell Endothelial cell Granulocyte monocyte progenitor cell Preosteoblast/Osteoblast/Bone cell/Cartilage cell Erythroblast Muscle cell

  • Neonatal_heart Smooth muscle cell Epithelial cell Vascular endothelial cell Dendritic cell Atrial cardiomyocyte Macrophage Ventricle cardiomyocyte Neutrophil Left ventricle cardiomyocyte Cardiac muscle cell Stromal cell Dividing cell Endothelial cell

  • Neonatal_muscle Smooth muscle cell Skeletal muscle cell Erythroblast Brown adipose tissue Tendon stem/progenitor cell Adipocyte Endothelial cell Glial cell Mesenchymal cell T cell Dendritic cell Stromal cell Mast cell Neuron Macrophage B cell Neutrophil Chondrocyte Muscle cell Epithelial cell

  • Neonatal_pancreas Neutrophil progenitor cell Monocyte Macrophage Mast cell Natural killer T cell Lymphatic vessel endothelial cell B cell Stromal cell Erythroblast Dendritic cell Acinar cell Neutrophil Ductal cell

  • Neonatal_rib Dividing cell Stromal cell Neutrophil Neuron Macrophage Muscle cell Erythroblast Osteoblast Endothelial cell Cartilage cell B cell Granulocyte

  • Neonatal_skin Brown adipose tissue Mast cell Keratinocyte Epithelial cell Muscle cell Stromal cell Erythroblast Macrophage Dividing cell Osteoblast Smooth muscle cell Melanocyte Endothelial cell Adipocyte Neuron

  • Ovary Thecal cell Granulosa cell Macrophage Small luteal cell Ovarian surface epithelium cell Ovarian vascular surface endothelium cell Stromal cell luteal cell Cumulus cell Large luteal cell

  • Pancreas Stromal cell Dendritic cell Glial cell Granulocyte B cell Acinar cell Erythroblast Endocrine cell Dividing cell Beta cell Endothelial cell Smooth muscle cell Macrophage Ductal cell T cell

  • Placenta Dendritic cell Monocyte PE lineage cell Labyrinthine trophoblast Endodermal cell Stromal cell Granulocyte monocyte progenitor cell Spongiotrophoblast Erythroblast Natural killer T cell Granulocyte Progenitor trophoblast Endothelial cell Macrophage Decidual stromal cell Spiral artery trophoblast giant cell Hematopoietic stem cell and progenitor cell Natural killer cell B cell Basophil Trophoblast progenitor cell Invasive spongiotrophoblast

  • Prostate Glandular epithelium Dendritic cell Epithelial cell Stromal cell Prostate gland cell T cell

  • Spleen Monocyte T cell Neutrophil Macrophage Marginal zone B cell Dendritic cell Plasma cell Granulocyte Natural killer cell Erythroblast

  • Stomach Dendritic cell Parietal cell Tuft cell G cell Dividing cell Epithelial cell Antral mucous cell Pit cell Gastric mucosal cell Muscle cell Stomach cell Macrophage

  • Testis Sertoli cell Spermatid Macrophage Pre-Sertoli cell Erythroblast Spermatocyte Spermatogonia Preleptotene spermatogonia Leydig cell Elongating spermatid

  • Thymus T cell DPT cell Proliferating thymocyte gdT cell B cell abT cell

  • Uterus Keratinocyte Glandular epithelium Endothelial cell Monocyte Dendritic cell Macrophage Muscle cell Smooth muscle cell Stromal cell Granulocyte Natural killer cell

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