released this
04 May 17:18
Added dark theme
Added toggle switches
Added support for date, date/time, month, telephone, time, and week inputs
Added ripple around checkboxes and radio buttons
Added full-width card class
Added ability to set accent color via custom property
Made more elements derive their theme colors from their color
Made unchecked checkboxes and radio buttons match their surrounding text color
Disabled animations when prefers-reduced-motion
is set to reduce
Increased default card corner radius to 3px
Slightly reduced padding on <select>
drop-down arrows
Fixed radio buttons, slider thumbs, and circular progress spinners appearing square on old Android browsers
Removed Internet Explorer fallback lines from material-depth.css
Removed suggestion to set circular progress spinners' border-top-color
Improved demo page (in addition to updating it to include the new features)
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