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Salon Coiffeur Project

This is a web-based appointment management system for a salon coiffeur. It allows salon staff to manage appointments, view patient information, and generate bills.


  • User authentication: Login functionality for salon staff.
  • Appointment management: Create, update, and delete appointments.
  • Patient information: View and manage patient details.
  • Statistics: Generate graphs and statistics based on appointment data.
  • Billing: Generate bills for appointments and download them as PDF files.


  • PHP 7.0 or higher
  • MySQL or MariaDB database
  • Web server (Apache, Nginx, etc.)


  1. Clone the repository or download the project files.
  2. Modify the connection.php file to configure the database connection.
  3. Import the database schema by executing the SQL queries in the tables.sql file in your MySQL or MariaDB database.
  4. Ensure that the necessary dependencies are installed (e.g., Chart.js library for graphs).
  5. Configure your web server to point to the project directory.
  6. Access the application through the web browser.


  1. Login with your staff credentials.
  2. Use the navigation menu to access different sections of the application.
  3. Create, update, or delete appointments as needed.
  4. View patient information and statistics.
  5. Generate bills for appointments and download them as PDF files.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.