Code accompanying the paper SampleRNN: An Unconditional End-to-End Neural Audio Generation Model. Samples are available here.
- auto-preprocessing (audio conversion, concatenation, chunking, and saving .npy files)
- generate scripts for trained datasets
- scripts for different sample rates are available (16k, 32k)
- any processed datasets can be loaded into the two-tier network via arguments
- sampling is picked from distribution (not max)
- any number of RNN layers is now possible (until you run out of memory)
- cuDNN 5105
- Python 2.7.12
- Numpy 1.11.1
- Theano 0.9.0rc3 or 1.0
- Lasagne 0.2.dev1
To preprocess audio for a 32k new experiment, place your audio here:
then run the new experiment python script located in the datasets/music directory:
cd datasets/music/
python your_datasets_name downloads/
To train a model on an existing dataset with accelerated GPU processing, you need to run following lines from the root of sampleRNN_ICLR2017
folder which corresponds to the best found set of hyper-paramters.
Mission control center:
$ pwd
$ python models/two_tier/ -h
usage: [-h] [--exp EXP] --n_frames N_FRAMES --frame_size
FRAME_SIZE --weight_norm WEIGHT_NORM --emb_size EMB_SIZE
--skip_conn SKIP_CONN --dim DIM --n_rnn {1,2,3,4,5}
--rnn_type {LSTM,GRU} --learn_h0 LEARN_H0 --q_levels
Q_LEVELS --q_type {linear,a-law,mu-law} --which_set
{ONOM,BLIZZ,MUSIC} --batch_size {64,128,256} [--debug]
[--resume] No default value! Indicate every argument.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--exp EXP Experiment name
--n_frames N_FRAMES How many "frames" to include in each Truncated BPTT
--frame_size FRAME_SIZE
How many samples per frame
--weight_norm WEIGHT_NORM
Adding learnable weight normalization to all the
linear layers (except for the embedding layer)
--emb_size EMB_SIZE Size of embedding layer (0 to disable)
--skip_conn SKIP_CONN
Add skip connections to RNN
--dim DIM Dimension of RNN and MLPs
--n_rnn {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,n,...}
Number of layers in the stacked RNN
--rnn_type {LSTM,GRU}
--learn_h0 LEARN_H0 Whether to learn the initial state of RNN
--q_levels Q_LEVELS Number of bins for quantization of audio samples.
Should be 256 for mu-law.
--q_type {linear,a-law,mu-law}
Quantization in linear-scale, a-law-companding, or mu-
law compandig. With mu-/a-law quantization level shoud
be set as 256
--which_set WHICH_SET any preprocessed set in the datasets/music/ directory
--batch_size {64,128,256}
size of mini-batch
--debug Debug mode
--resume Resume the same model from the last checkpoint. Order
of params are important. [for now]
To run:
$ THEANO_FLAGS=mode=FAST_RUN,device=gpu0,floatX=float32 python -u models/two_tier/ --exp BEST_2TIER --n_frames 64 --frame_size 16 --emb_size 256 --skip_conn False --dim 1024 --n_rnn 3 --rnn_type GRU --q_levels 256 --q_type linear --batch_size 128 --weight_norm True --learn_h0 True --which_set user_dataset_name
$ python models/three_tier/ -h
usage: [-h] [--exp EXP] --seq_len SEQ_LEN --big_frame_size
BIG_FRAME_SIZE --frame_size FRAME_SIZE --weight_norm
WEIGHT_NORM --emb_size EMB_SIZE --skip_conn SKIP_CONN
--dim DIM --n_rnn {1,2,3,4,5} --rnn_type {LSTM,GRU}
--learn_h0 LEARN_H0 --q_levels Q_LEVELS --q_type
{linear,a-law,mu-law} --which_set {ONOM,BLIZZ,MUSIC}
--batch_size {64,128,256} [--debug] [--resume] No default value! Indicate every argument.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--exp EXP Experiment name
--seq_len SEQ_LEN How many samples to include in each Truncated BPTT
--big_frame_size BIG_FRAME_SIZE
How many samples per big frame in tier 3
--frame_size FRAME_SIZE
How many samples per frame in tier 2
--weight_norm WEIGHT_NORM
Adding learnable weight normalization to all the
linear layers (except for the embedding layer)
--emb_size EMB_SIZE Size of embedding layer (> 0)
--skip_conn SKIP_CONN
Add skip connections to RNN
--dim DIM Dimension of RNN and MLPs
--n_rnn {1,2,3,4,5} Number of layers in the stacked RNN
--rnn_type {LSTM,GRU}
--learn_h0 LEARN_H0 Whether to learn the initial state of RNN
--q_levels Q_LEVELS Number of bins for quantization of audio samples.
Should be 256 for mu-law.
--q_type {linear,a-law,mu-law}
Quantization in linear-scale, a-law-companding, or mu-
law compandig. With mu-/a-law quantization level shoud
be set as 256
--which_set WHICH_SET
any preprocessed set in the datasets/music/ directory
--batch_size {64,128,256}
size of mini-batch
--debug Debug mode
--resume Resume the same model from the last checkpoint. Order
of params are important. [for now]
To run:
$ THEANO_FLAGS=mode=FAST_RUN,device=gpu0,floatX=float32 python -u models/two_tier/ --exp BEST_2TIER --seq_len 512 --big_frame_size 8 --frame_size 2 --emb_size 256 --skip_conn False --dim 1024 --n_rnn 1 --rnn_type GRU --q_levels 256 --q_type linear --batch_size 128 --weight_norm True --learn_h0 True --which_set your_dataset_name
To generate 5 sequences (10 seconds each) from a trained model:
$ THEANO_FLAGS=mode=FAST_RUN,device=gpu0,floatX=float32 python -u models/two_tier/ --exp BEST_2TIER --seq_len 512 --big_frame_size 8 --frame_size 2 --emb_size 256 --skip_conn False --dim 1024 --n_rnn 1 --rnn_type GRU --q_levels 256 --q_type linear --batch_size 128 --weight_norm True --learn_h0 True --which_set your_dataset_name --n_secs 10 --n_seqs 5
If you are using this code, please cite the paper.
SampleRNN: An Unconditional End-to-End Neural Audio Generation Model. Soroush Mehri, Kundan Kumar, Ishaan Gulrajani, Rithesh Kumar, Shubham Jain, Jose Sotelo, Aaron Courville, Yoshua Bengio, 5th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2017), submitted and under review.