is a package for approximating functions. It is heavily influenced by the Matlab
package Chebfun
and the Mathematica package RHPackage
Take your two favourite functions on an interval and create approximations to them as simply as:
using ApproxFun
x = Fun(identity,[0.,10.])
f = sin(x^2)
g = cos(x)
To evaluate functions at a point, we use the vector notation, and f[.1]
will return a high
accuracy approximation to sin(0.01)
. All the algebraic manipulations of functions
are supported and more. For example, we can add f
and g^2
together and compute
the roots and extrema:
h = f + g^2
r = roots(h)
rp = roots(h')
ApproxFun.plot(h) # using PyPlot
PyPlot.plot(r,h[r],"og",rp,h[rp],"or") # using PyPlot
Notice from above that to find the extrema, we used '
overridden for the differentiate
function. Several other Julia
base functions are overridden for the purposes of calculus. Because the exponential is its own
derivative, the norm
is small:
f = Fun(x->exp(x),[-1.,1.])
Similarly, cumsum
defines an indefinite integration operator:
g = cumsum(f)
g = g + f[-1]
s in ApproxFun
are instances of Julia
types with one field to store coefficients and another
to describe the function space. Similarly, each function space has one field describing
its domain, or another function space. Let's explore:
x = Fun(identity)
f = exp(x)
g = f/sqrt(1-x^2)
In this case, f
is in the Ultraspherical{0}
space on the domain Interval(-1.0,1.0)
, and
is in the enriched JacobiWeight{Ultraspherical{0}}
space. The absolute value is
another case where space promotion is inferred from the operation:
f = Fun(x->cospi(5x))
g = abs(f)
Algebraic and differential operations are also implemented where possible, and most of Julia's built-in functions are overridden to accept Fun
x = Fun()
f = erf(x)
g = besselj(3,exp(f))
h = airyai(10asin(f)+2g)
Solve the Airy ODE u'' - x u = 0
as a BVP on [-1000,200]
x = Fun(identity,[-1000.,200.])
d = domain(x)
D = Derivative(d)
B = dirichlet(d)
L = D^2 - x
u = [B;L] \ [airyai(d.a);airyai(d.b)]
ApproxFun.plot(u) # Requires Gadfly or PyPlot
Solve a nonlinear boundary value problem satisfying the ODE 0.001u'' + 6*(1-x^2)*u' + u^2 = 1
with boundary conditions u[-1]==1
, u[1]==-0.5
on [-1,1]
There is also support for Fourier representations of functions on periodic intervals.
Specify the space Fourier
to ensure that the representation is periodic:
f = Fun(cos,Fourier([-π,π]))
norm(f' + Fun(sin,Fourier([-π,π]))
Due to the periodicity, Fourier representations allow for the asymptotic savings of 2/π
in the number of coefficients that need to be stored compared with a Chebyshev representation.
ODEs can also be solved when the solution is periodic:
s = Chebyshev([-π,π])
a = Fun(t-> 1+sin(cos(2t)),s)
L = Derivative() + a
f = Fun(t->exp(sin(10t)),s)
B = periodic(s,0)
uChebyshev = [B;L]\[0.;f]
s = Fourier([-π,π])
a = Fun(t-> 1+sin(cos(2t)),s)
L = Derivative() + a
f = Fun(t->exp(sin(10t)),s)
uFourier = L\f
ApproxFun.plot(uFourier) # Requires Gadfly or PyPlot
Other operations including random number sampling using [Olver & Townsend 2013]. The
following code samples 10,000 from a PDF given as the absolute value of the sine function on [-5,5]
f = abs(Fun(sin,[-5,5]))
x = ApproxFun.sample(f,10000)
ApproxFun.plot(f/sum(f)) # Requires Gadfly or PyPlot
We can solve PDEs, the following solves Helmholtz Δu + 100u=0
with u(±1,y)=u(x,±1)=1
on a square
d = Interval()^2 # Defines a rectangle
u = [dirichlet(d);lap(d)+100I]\ones(4) # First four entries of rhs are
# boundary conditions
ApproxFun.contour(u) # Requires Gadfly or PyPlot
We can also evolve PDEs. The following solves advection—diffusion
u_t = 0.01Δu - 4u_x -3u_y
on a rectangle
d = Interval()^2
u0 = Fun((x,y)->exp(-40(x-.1)^2-40(y+.2)^2),d)
B = dirichlet(d)
D = Derivative(Interval())
L = (0.01D^2-4D)⊗I + I⊗(0.01D^2-3D)
h = 0.002
timeevolution(B,L,u0,h) # Requires GLPlot
Solving differential equations with high precision types is avaiable. The following calculates e
to 300 digits by solving the ODE u' = u
with_bigfloat_precision(1000) do
S. Olver & A. Townsend (2014), A practical framework for infinite-dimensional linear algebra, arXiv:1409.5529, to appear in HPTCDL 2014
A. Townsend & S. Olver (2014), The automatic solution of partial differential equations using a global spectral method, arXiv:1409:2789
S. Olver & A. Townsend (2013), Fast inverse transform sampling in one and two dimensions, arXiv:1307.1223
S. Olver & A. Townsend (2013), A fast and well-conditioned spectral method, SIAM Review, 55:462–489