Determines whether or not a manifold (i.e. watertight) mesh has any sharp edges.
and pass it a triangle mesh in an .stl file format.
By default it will test for edges of 80 degrees or less.
- numpy-stl
- matplotlib
usage: [-h] [-t THRESHOLD] [-v] STL_FILE
Analyze a manifold mesh to see if it has acute edges. Display offending edges.
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
The degree in angles that all edges must be greater
than (default=80 degrees, max=89 degrees)
-v, --view Show a plot of the model instead of analyzing it.
If there are edges that are too sharp, they will be automatically visualized as such:
To simply see the model in all it's glory, pass the -v flag: