An simple application example that use libupnp to list discovered devices using SSDP.
Windows and Linux are supported.
Install dependencies with
% sudo apt install libupnp-dev
Clone git pupnp repository ( to the folder next to this repository, so they would be on one level (cd ..\pupnp place you in the pupnp folder). Then build pupnp. I do not cover the pupnp build here, considering you know about cmake, Debug/Release targets and 32/x64 architectures.
After succesful build you will get libupnp.dll, ixml.dll, pthreadVV3.dll and libupnp.lib. Copy libupnp.lib to the root of this repository.
Install cmake-gui. You will need it anyway to build pupnp.
That's all for now.
Make a build dir and compile with linking of libupnp library:
% mkdir build
% gcc main.c -o build/libupnp_example -lupnp`
% mkdir build
% cmake ..
% make
Open cmake-gui and choose this repository as sources. Then copy-paste the path in the binary output folder and add "\build" in the end. It will look like this: Run Configure and Generate. Then run build in your build tool. You will get libupnp_example.exe file. Copy three DLLs from the Prerequisites section of this manual to the folder with the executable file.
Usage: libupnp [interface_name] <timeout_s>
When network interface is not set, the first suitable interface is used. When network interface name contains spaces, use double quotes around it.
For example: Run tvdevices server from the pupnp samples. Then running libupnp_example enp4s0 3
will produce the following output (replace enp4s0 with your interface name):
The cookie value is "I am a cookie."
ErrCode = 0
Expires = 100
DeviceId = uuid:Upnp-TVEmulator-1_0-1234567890001
DeviceType =
ServiceType =
ServiceVer =
Location = http://<my ip>:49152/tvdevicedesc.xml
OS = Linux/4.15.0-193-generic, UPnP/1.0, Portable SDK for UPnP devices/1.14.14
Date = Sat, 08 Oct 2022 07:41:35 GMT
Ext =
The cookie value is "I am a cookie."
ErrCode = 0
Expires = 100
DeviceId = uuid:Upnp-TVEmulator-1_0-1234567890001
DeviceType =
ServiceType =
ServiceVer =
Location = http://<my ip>:49152/tvdevicedesc.xml
OS = Linux/4.15.0-193-generic, UPnP/1.0, Portable SDK for UPnP devices/1.14.14
Date = Sat, 08 Oct 2022 07:41:35 GMT
Ext =
It contains three events: 2 DISCOVERY events and one TIMEOUT event. Expect only TIMEOUT event in case no SSDP server is running.
What is the network interface name in Windows? How do you get it? Why everything needs to be so difficult?
There is a page called "View hardware and connections properties" in Windows 10. There you will see the names of the interfaces like: Ethernet, vEthernet (Ethernet), vEthernet (Wi-Fi), Local Area Connection, Local Area Connection* 3, Wi-Fi and so on. Yes, these are the correct names. Just don't forget the quotes. Here is the example:
Hint: just disable all interfaces except the one you need for test. Then run libupnp_example with no interface name. It will use the only remaining inteface.
Tool: There is a script to determine the name of the interface based on its IP address. Find it in tools folder. Usage is get_if_name_windows <ip_address>
Manually tested in the following conditions:
- pupnp v1.14.14 (
- Lubuntu 18.04
- Windows 10 10.0.19044
- CMake-gui 3.23
- Visual Studio 2019