Small dogpile.cache configuration and access package. It is inspired by
pyramid_dogpile_cache, which we found unusable since it insists on
configuring the cache regions in its get_region()
API -- but if you want to
use the @cache_on_arguments
decorator, that is at import time, where no
configuration exists yet. Our package wants to perform the configuration during
the WSGI application setup instead.
This package is compatible with Python version >=3.6.
The package offers only one API function; it returns a dogpile.cache
from pyramid_dogpile_cache import get_region region = get_region('foo')
As said above, this is safe to call at import time, so you can go on like this:
@region.cache_on_arguments() def expensive_function(one, two, three): # compute stuff
Include the package, either in code:
config = Configurator(...) config.include('pyramid_dogpile_cache2')
or in the ini file:
pyramid.includes = pyramid_dogpile_cache2
For non-Pyramid WSGI applications that use a paste.ini file, you need to call:
def my_paste_app_factory(global_conf, **local_conf): pyramid_dogpile_cache2.configure_dogpile_cache(local_conf) return my_wsgi_callable
The settings support of pyramid_dogpile_cache unfortunately is quite incomplete
(e.g. it does not even convert expiration_time
to int
). The support of
this packages is a little better, but still very much incomplete: we support
the in-memory and memcached backends (pylibmc to be precise), and only the same
backend and configuration for all cache regions.
The following settings are supported:
A list of region names that should be configured (separated by either spaces or commas).
The default backend for cache regions (e.g.'dogpile.cache.memory'
, etc.).
Backend for the given region.
The default expiration time. Can be overridden for individual regions (in seconds). Omit to set no expiration.
The expiration time for the given cache region (in seconds). If omitted, uses the global expiration_time setting.
Defaults for backend arguments. Can be overridden for individual regions.
Backend arguments for the given cache region.
Backend arguments work only for strings, thus we support some custom treatment:
A list of memcached servers, separated by ;
Set pylibmc behaviours, see coerce_memached_behaviors for which subkeys are supported.
Note: As opposed to pyramid_dogpile_cache we don't support overriding the key_generator or key_mangler functions yet; we preconfigure them with enhanced versions of dogpile.cache that support non-ascii function arguments and generating cache keys for methods that include the class name.