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SIC/XE Assembler

The Simplified Instructional Computer (also abbreviated SIC) is a hypothetical computer system introduced in System Software: An Introduction to Systems Programming, by Leland Beck.



Operation Table

Mnemonic Format Opcode Effect Notes
ADD m 3/4 18 A ← (A) + (m..m+2)
ADDF m 3/4 58 F ← (F) + (m..m+5) F
ADDR r1,r2 2 90 r2 ← (r2) + (r1)
AND m 3/4 40 A ← (A) & (m..m+2)
CLEAR r1 2 B4 r1 ← 0
COMP m 3/4 28 A : (m..m+2) C
COMPF m 3/4 88 F : (m..m+5) CF
COMPR r1,r2 2 A0 (r1) : (r2) C
DIV m 3/4 24 A : (A) / (m..m+2)
DIVF m 3/4 64 F : (F) / (m..m+5) F
DIVR r1,r2 2 9C (r2) ← (r2) / (r1)
FIX 1 C4 A ← (F) [convert to integer]
FLOAT 1 C0 F ← (A) [convert to floating] F
HIO 1 F4 Halt I/O channel number (A) P
J m 3/4 3C PC ← m
JEQ m 3/4 30 PC ← m if CC set to =
JGT m 3/4 34 PC ← m if CC set to >
JLT m 3/4 38 PC ← m if CC set to <
JSUB m 3/4 48 L ← (PC); PC ← m<
LDA m 3/4 00 A ← (m..m+2)
LDB m 3/4 68 B ← (m..m+2)
LDCH m 3/4 50 A [rightmost byte] ← (m)
LDF m 3/4 70 F ← (m..m+5) F
LDL m 3/4 08 L ← (m..m+2)
LDS m 3/4 6C S ← (m..m+2)
LDT m 3/4 74 T ← (m..m+2)
LDX m 3/4 04 X ← (m..m+2)
LPS m 3/4 D0 Load processor status P
MUL m 3/4 20 A ← (A) * (m..m+2)
MULF m 3/4 60 F ← (F) * (m..m+5)
MULR r1,r2 2 98 r2 ← (r2) * (r1)
NORM 1 C8 F ← (F) [normalized] F
OR m 3/4 44 A ← (A) (m..m+2)
RD m 3/4 D8 A [rightmost byte] ← data P
RMO r1,r2 2 AC r2 ← (r1)
RSUB 3/4 4C PC ← (L)
SHIFTL r1,n 2 A4 r1 ← (r1); left circular shift
SHIFTR r1,n 2 A8 r1 ← (r1); right shift n bits
SIO 1 F0 Start I/O channel number (A) P
SSK m 3/4 EC Protection key for address m P
STA m 3/4 0C m..m+2 ← (A)
STB m 3/4 78 m..m+2 ← (B)
STCH m 3/4 54 m ← (A) [rightmost byte]
STF m 3/4 80 m..m+5 ← (F) F
STI m 3/4 D4 Interval timer value ← (m..m+2) P
STL m 3/4 14 m..m+2 ← (L)
STS m 3/4 7C m..m+2 ← (S)
STSW m 3/4 E8 m..m+2 ← (SW) P
STT m 3/4 84 m..m+2 ← (T)
STX m 3/4 10 m..m+2 ← (X)
SUB m 3/4 1C A ← (A) - (m..m+2)
SUBF m 3/4 5C F ← (F) - (m..m+5) F
SUBR r1,r2 2 94 r2 ← (r2) - (r1)
SVC n 2 B0 Generate SVC interrupt
TD m 3/4 E0 Test device specified by (m) PC
TIO 1 F8 Test I/O channel number (A) PC
TIX m 3/4 2C X ← (X) + 1; (X) : (m..m+2) C
TIXR r1 2 B8 X ← (X) + 1; (X) : (r1) C
WD m 3/4 DC Device specified by (m) ← (A) P


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


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