Let's do a new programing language I've never touched before every day (⓿_⓿)
- Day 1:
RubyWindows Batch - Day 2: Scratch (run by loading file on Scratch.mit.edu [File->Load from your computer])
- Day 3: F#
- Day 4: Julia
- Day 5: Visual Basic
- Day 6: R
- Day 7: Pascal
- Day 8: OCaml
- Day 9: Cobol
- Day 10: D
- Day 11: Ruby
- Day 12: CoffeeScript
- Day 13: Clojure
- Day 14: Scala
- Day 15: Dart
- Day 16: AWK
- Day 17: Nix
- Day 18:
- Day 19:
- Day 20: Ada (In progress)
- Day 21: Prolog
- Day 22:
- Day 23:
- Day 24:
- Day 25:
* Note: I am only doing part 1 because I don't hate myself that much 😳 (JK I did #11 because it had the least amount of ppl on just part 1)
[I think these later ones are too hard and time consuming without dynamic and easily usable arrays, hashmaps and other useful data structures and take twice the time because I need to solve it first then implement it in some programming language I've never done before | If you are curious I was planning on picking from these languages: elm, zig, swift, standard ML, Solidity, holyC, erlang, elixir]