This repository hosts the code for the prototype implementation used in the following paper:
The Case for Automatic Database Administration using Deep Reinforcement Learning
General dependencies
pip install gym psycopg2 tensorflow keras numpy pandas matplotlib
Reinforcement Learning library
pip install keras-rl
Custom pip package to run queries on TPC-H Schema
cd postgres-executor
python sdist
pip install --upgrade dist/PostgresExecutor-0.1.tar.gz
Custom gym environment for database
pip install -e gym_dgame
DB2 installation
- DB2: install as root
- switch to db2inst1 user, then connect to db
- Python connector: easy-install-3.6 ibm-db
Store data from CSV into Postgres instance
\copy lineitem from 'path to csv' delimiter '|' csv;
- make sure that the last delimiter character near the end of the file is removed.
sed 's/.$//' lineitem.tbl > lineitem_smooth.tbl