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Ziemniakoss edited this page Jul 31, 2022 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the lwc-typings-generator wiki!


To install as sfdx plugin (recommend way), execute command

sfdx plugins:install lwc-typings-generator

Basic use

To generate typings for standard library, labels and apex classes, use

sfdx typings:lwc

Run this command every time you add apex class, lightning component or custom label.

Then, for every SObject that you intend to use on frontend, use

sfdx typings:lwc:sobject -s Account,YourSobject,RemeberToSeparateThemWithComa



Specify typings folder

Since version 2.12.0, you can specify in which folder typings should be generated. To do so, create file


in root project directory. In this file, create JSON with field typingsPath, like this:

    "typingsPath": [

From now on, typings will be generated in folder


This can be useful if you want to setup Type Script to check LWC code.

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