Utilities for buying bart parking permits.
Currently it can help you buy Bart daily parking permits without visiting the website yourself. More features are getting added.
You need to have a Select-a-Spot account first and have all necessary information added to your account. This tool currently does not allow you to provide vehicle information, mailling address or payment info.
# Install globally.
> npm install -g @xch/bart-parking-utilities
# Run the utilities.
> bart
This is an interactive CLI. It leads you through these steps:
- It will prompt you for username and password to login https://www.select-a-spot.com/bart/.
If login is successful, the username and password are saved locally and encrypted with
so you won't enter it again the next time. - Pick permit type. For now only "daily" is available.
- Pick a Bart station. Most recently picked stations will show up first.
- Pick a date for the permit.
- Pick a car from your list of registered vehicles.
- ---Warning--- You will be prompted the price of the permit and the payment method to be used for the purchase. Pressing "Y" will confirm the purchase and initiate the transaction.
- If the purchase was successful, you will be prompted to download the permit PDF file.