Kinma Project is design for product funding platform.
Using Golang as a backend server, AngularJS as a frontend UI
kinma-golangBackend branch is used for continuous development
[The EC2 service on AWS has been suspend for now]
kinma-golangBackend-deploy will deploy the IMG to AWS register by deploy.yml
, Pull Request is the only way to deploy the new image.
git clone
cd Kinma-Project
docker-compose build
will build postgres db, AngularUI, Golang backend api service
docker-compose up
to launch all service
- Launch db
make postgres
- Create kinma_db
make createdb
- migrate the db
make migrateup
- clean up the migration
make migratedown
- Launch the API Server
make server
create database migration schema
migrate create -ext sql -dir db/migration -seq init_schema