| apple-icon.png
| favicon.ico
| index.html
| logo192.png
| logo512.png
| manifest.json
| robots.txt
| App.js
| index.css
| index.js
| Store.js
| | CheckSelectedId.js
| |
| +---BackNextBtn
| | BackNextBtnComponent.css
| | BackNextBtnComponent.js
| |
| +---BlackScreen
| | BlackScreen.css
| | BlackScreen.js
| |
| +---DetailFillingSidebar
| | DetailFillingSidebar.js
| | DetailsFillingSideBar.css
| |
| +---Education
| | EducationComponent.css
| | EducationComponent.js
| |
| +---Header
| | TemplateHeader.css
| | TemplateHeader.js
| |
| +---Heading
| | TemplateHeading.css
| | TemplateHeading.js
| |
| +---Input
| | InputComponent.css
| | InputComponent.js
| |
| +---KeySkills
| | KeySkillsComponent.css
| | KeySkillsComponent.js
| |
| +---MainBar
| | Navbar.css
| | Navbar.js
| |
| +---PersonalInfo
| | PersonalInfoComponent.css
| | PersonalInfoComponent.js
| |
| +---Preview
| | PreviewComponent.css
| | PreviewComponent.js
| |
| +---Select
| | SelectComponent.css
| | SelectComponent.js
| |
| +---TemplateEducation
| | TemplateEducationComponent.css
| | TemplateEducationComponent.js
| |
| +---TemplateKeySkill
| | TemplateKeySkillComponent.css
| | TemplateKeySkillComponent.js
| |
| +---TemplateOneExperience
| | TemplateOneExperienceComponent.css
| | TemplateOneExperienceComponent.js
| |
| ---WorkExperience
| WorkExperienceComponent.css
| WorkExperienceComponent.js
| | AboutUs.js
| | DetailsFilling.js
| | Home.js
| | index.js
| | MyResumes.js
| |
| ---Styles
| DetailsFilling.css
| Home.css
| MyResumes.css
| +---Actions
| | actions.js
| |
| ---Reducers
| combinedReducers.js
| reducers.js
| inputChecks.js
| data.js
| templates.js
| aboutCV.jpg
| sample_1.jpg
| sample_2.jpg
| sample_3.jpg
| sample_4.jpg
- Resume|builder is a web application where anyone can create resume with ease and choose from different available templates.
- It has three tabs : 1) Resume Templates (Home Page) , 2)Resumes (Saved Resumes) 3) About us
- Set profile picture in the resume.
- Before downloading we have a preview option to view your resume.
- You can save resumes to the local hard drive.
- Saved resumes can be deleted as well as modified by the user.
- React-Router-Dom
- Material UI
- React-Redux
- Store
- React-Avatar-edit
- Vanilla CSS
- Uniq ID
- React-Hook-Forms
- Jspdf converter
- Redux connect method
- Images
- Raw data
- Home (Resume Templates)
-Choose one from the available templates &
-Navigated to details filling page - My Resumes
- About us
- Home Page
- Details Filling page
- My Resumes
- About us
Live Link