A simple One-themed bot. Uses javascript typescript! and Discord.js. (Also sequelize, sqlite3, and other minor things)
Based off of this handy tutorial:
Node.js >=16.6.0
npm install discord.js @discordjs/rest @discordjs/builders discord-api-types sequelize sqlite3 sequelize-typescript
npm install --save-dev eslint
The bot can: Render 3-4 blends - a bunch of suzannes in front of an image of your choosing, a thanos-style snap of your video/image with lots of customizability, a rolling barrel roll of an image, and some welcome images that I haven't included in the assets folder... Do convenient maths including converting units Greet you! Ignore channels And some other stuff No server management capabilities
How to use:
Fill out the config_template.txt
, remove the comments and rename it to config.json
Launch a command prompt inside this folder, and:
npx tsc
node deploy-commands.js
node .
Instructions for migrating the database: Go to database_stuff.ts and set your new columns in the newColumns. Set the migrate bool in ready.ts to true. Observe whether the 3 sample entries, hopefully good, are what you would expect. Turn the bot off, stash the old database away, or delete it, and use the new one, and then replace the currentColumns in database_stuff with the newColumns. Don't forget to set the migrate bool to false.