Temporal is the main project of my Game Design studies.
It's a narrative puzzle game taking place in a futuristic world. The main Unique Selling Point is the ability for characters to change the age of environment elements around them.
For every levels, the characters you control must reach a goal (the red squares). The path is blocked by walls, bushes, crates, etc. The main character can move crates and climb 1 block height. At level 5 of the demo, the main character gets a power that makes the bushes grow older and clear the way.
New block types can be added in the future to diversify the gameplay: water, lava, etc.
- game design
- level design
- narrative design
- 3D modeling (with Blender)
- Unity:
- scripts (C#)
- Cinemachine
- animations (with DOTween)
- pooling
- UI / TextMeshPro
- input system
- visual scripting (for global state graph only)
- URP (shaders + postprocessing)
- audio management
- optimisations / balancing