A coronavirus tracking website, made with a back-end of Node.js / Python and a front-end of HTML / CSS, which tracks international data on the COVID-19 pandemic and displays it in easy to read graphics. This website was created as a collaboration with Shiva (GH: shivaganapathy) and Sam (GH: ayunami2000)
To use our Coronavirus tracker, simply use our drop drown to select a country, and view statistics regarding the disease in that country. We have another feature that allows the end-user to compare the amount of people with the disease in 2 countries.
- server.js: This contains our first back-end programming file which was written in Node.js. This file contains the web server and assets to run the python aspect and return the images of data to the end-user.
- server.py: This is our second back-end programming language. This file contains the logic for the server to communicate with the JavaScript and HTML. Also, this is where we have the logic written for using the Covid19 API to make our own graphs with matplotlib and distrubute them to the end-user.
- index.html and style.css in the public folder both contain the front-end of the website and that's where the user interface and overall design of the website was developed.
- The
branch contains the previously held code for the website using Rapid API. After this API went down, I transferred the code to the Covid19API and fixed a lot of the server side code. Now this new code resides in the master branch.
git clone https://github.com/aahmad4/Coronatracker
In server.js change the python3
based on your python 3 installation.
var execProcess = exec(
'python3 server.py "' +
.replace(/%20/g, " ")
.replace(/\"/g, "") +
cd Coronatracker
node server.js
Then go to
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.