The TM Cougar Throttle USB-mod has been forked into its own repository, which can be found from here:
- Can be used to convert a TM Cougar Throttle into a USB device, or as a stand-alone button box.
- Several boards can be daisy-chained via the 1x5 pin socket J11.
- The dimensions of the PCB are 112mm * 37mm.
v1.0 errata:
- Pro micro pin 9, PM_C7, should be PM_D7
The required components include:
- Arduino board, Pro Micro 5V/16MHz ATmega32U4
- Shift register, 74HC165N, DIP-16
- SMD resistors, 10k Ohm, 0805
- SMD capacitors, 470nF, 0805
- Pin sockets and/or headers, 2.54mm pitch
- Buttons/switches
- Jumper wires for the buttons/switches
The recommended software to program the Pro Micro is MMJoy2:
When used as a stand-alone button box, the board should fit inside a Hammond 1591C* or a 1591XXC enclosure.
A soldered and installed version in use:
The schematic, with some of the planned DCS key bindings visible:
Top side, with the 3d view and layout view: