Displays lyrics instantly or gives you options to choose from. Just enter artist and/or song title and hit ENTER.
Easy way is to first download/clone this repo. Create a virtual environment if required.
Run pip install -r requirements.txt
from the root to install dependancies.
Run python3 lyric_finder.py
or python lyric_finder.py
to run.
- UI front-end is dearpygui. (Note: 32bit Python versions currently not supported.)
To install:
pip install dearpygui
- For scraping lyrics this app uses elmoiv's lyrics-api called azapi.
To install:
pip install azapi
- dearpygui is an evolving framework. So any change in their syntax can break this app.
- Window freeze when searching.
- Test all possible combinations of artists and track titles and get fastest/seamless result.
- Re-write code to make it readable using context manager.
- Decrease stuttering/freezing while app searches.
- [FEATURE] Add album art of selected track.
- [FEATURE] Add a player with YT-DL?
- [FEATURE] Synchronised Lyrics?