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# ::: :::::::: #
# libft :+: :+: :+: #
# +:+ +:+ +:+ #
# By: aachhoub <aachhoub@student.1337.ma> +#+ +:+ +#+ #
# +#+#+#+#+#+ +#+ #
# Created: 2022/12/04 by aachhoub #+# #+# #
# Updated: 2022/12/04 by aachhoub ### ########.fr #
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C Libraries, Makefile, Problem Solving.
- ft_strrchr :
man strrchr
- ft_strchr :
man strchr
- ft_strlcpy :
man strlcpy
- ft_strlcat :
man strlcat
- ft_strlen :
man strlen
- ft_strdup :
man strdup
- ft_memset :
man memset
- ft_memcpy :
man memcpy
- ft_memmove :
man memmove
- ft_bzero :
man bzero
- ft_memcmp :
man memcmp
- ft_isascii :
man isascii
- ft_isalpha :
man isalpha
- ft_isdigit :
man isdigit
- ft_isalnum :
man isalnum
- ft_isprint :
man isprint
- ft_tolower :
man tolower
- ft_toupper :
man toupper
- ft_atoi :
man atoi
- ft_calloc :
man calloc
- ft_strnstr :
man strnstr
- ft_memchr :
man memchr
- ft_strncmp :
man strncmp
- ft_putchar_fd : writes a single character to a specific file descriptor.
- ft_putnbr_fd : writes an integer to a specific file descriptor.
- ft_putstr_fd : writes a string to a specific file descriptor.
- ft_putendl_fd : writes a string with a
to a specific file descriptor. - ft_itoa : converts an integer into ascii string.
- ft_strjoin : joins two strings into one string.
- ft_substr : used to get a portions of a string
- ft_split : splits a string into an array of strings
- ft_strtrim : removes spaces from the start and the end of a string.
- ft_striteri : applicates a function on all the characters of string.
- ft_strmapi : applicates a function on all the characters of string and produces a new one.
- ft_lstsize : counts the size of a singy linked list.
- ft_lstnew : creates a new singly linked list node.
- ft_lstlast : returns the last node of a singly linked list.
- ft_lstadd_back : adds a new node to the back of a singly linked list.
- ft_lstadd_front : adds a new node at the beginning of a singly linked list.
- ft_lstdelone : removes a node from a singly linked list.
- ft_lstclear : clears a singly linked list.
- ft_lstiter : applicates a function on all nodes of a singly linked list.
- ft_lstmap : does the same as
, but it creates a new singly linked list instead of affeccting the existing one.