- Ability to dynamically create design canvas of varying sizes by specifying the number of grids horizontally and vertically.
- A color field which users can use to select their choice color to apply to a grid.
- A Paint tool to apply color on a grid (pixel).
- An Erase tool to remove color on a grid.
- A Color Picker tool to pick a choice color on the design canvas and set it as active color.
- A Clear Canvas tool to get rid of colored grids on the canvas and provide a clean canvas to work with.
- User's ability to append their "signature" on their design.
- Markup language: HTML5
- Styling language: CSS3
- Frontend scripting language: Vanilla JavaScript
- Image manipulation/minification tools: GIMP and TinyPNG
- Favicons generated by faviconit
- Code editor: Microsoft Visual Studio Code - Insiders Edition
- Debugging tool: Chrome DevTools
- Versioning control: Git
- Hosting platform: GitHub pages
- Design inspiration and toolbar icons from Pixel Art
- hamburger menu icon by Arthur Shlain from the Noun Project
- pixel art favicon by Arthur Shlain from the Noun Project