National Technical University of Athens Compilers 2016, Flow L
Achilles Benetopoulos & Emmanouil Theodosis
- LLVM ocaml bindings
- LLVM 3.5
- clang
To build the compiler, run :
$ make depend
$ make
in the project's root directory. This will create a binary named "edsgerc".
To remove all intermediate compilation files :
$ make clean
To get the project back to its initial state :
$ make distclean
Should you need to rebuild the standard library, run the script '' inside the 'stdlib' folder.
To build any of the tests in the (aptly named) 'tests' folder, run:
$ ./edsgerc [options] [input_file]
from the root directory. Should compilation succeed, there will be an executable with the same name as the source file provided, inside the 'tests' directory. If an input file was not specified (using the -f or -i flags), then there will be an 'a.out' executable in the project's root directory. Calling the compiler with no options or an input file will display usage information.