Data Management Pipeline with Terraform Overview This Terraform code deploys a data management pipeline infrastructure on AWS. The pipeline includes components for data ingestion, processing, and storage.
Prerequisites Before you begin, ensure you have:
Terraform installed locally. AWS credentials configured with the necessary permissions. Getting Started Clone the repository:
bash Copy code git clone Change into the project directory:
bash Copy code cd your-repository Initialize Terraform:
bash Copy code terraform init Review and customize the file to match your requirements.
Deploy the infrastructure:
bash Copy code terraform apply Follow the prompts to confirm and apply the changes.
Infrastructure Components
- Data Ingestion S3 Bucket: Stores raw data files. AWS Glue Crawler: Discovers and catalogs data stored in the S3 bucket.
- Data Processing AWS Glue Job: Transforms and processes the raw data. AWS Glue Crawler: Updates the catalog with the processed data.
- Data Storage Amazon Redshift: Data warehouse for storage and analytics. Cleanup To destroy the infrastructure and clean up resources:
bash Copy code terraform destroy Contributing If you'd like to contribute to this project, please follow the contribution guidelines.
aws ssm send-command \
--document-name "AWS-RunRemoteScript" \
--targets "Key=instanceids,Values=i-XXXXXXXXXXXXX" \
--parameters '{"sourceType":["S3"],"sourceInfo":["{"path":""}"],"commandLine":["Create-ChromeVHDX.ps1 -installSize 650 -vhdName Chrome -vhdS3Bucket BUCKET-NAME -vhdMountPath "C:\Program Files\Google\" -force $true"]}'
License This project is licensed under the MIT License.
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