- This repository is implementation of data structures, different digital signal processing algorithms and methods, competitive coding questions, equations, algorithms, mathematics formulas and methods, neural network, different machine learning algorithms etc all from scratch in hard coded python, Julia.
- The repository also contains code for different machine learning, data science, deep learning hackathons, online competitions I have participated.
- I will be creating this repository as notes for my future endevours.
- IEEE XTREME- Team- Hustle Puff, Global Rank- 276, India Rank- 26
| Category |International Rank | National Rank |
| ------------- |:-----------------:|:----------------:|
| Dataset | 236 | 13 |
| Notebook | 933 | 74 |
| Discussion | 547 | 46 |
Beginning my journey with julia from here, will code everything related to julia from scratch. Ya, I am contributing to Julia :)
- Logistic Regression with iris dataset - First step towards machine learning in Julia,
I did some competitve practice against all odds in Python - Here are some questions I practiced, question numbered at random.
- Floor in a sorted array.py
- mountain element.py
- minimum element in rotated sorted array.py
- maximum value in a bitonic array.py
- minimum element in rotated array.py
- searching in a rotated array.py
- searching in an infinite sorted array.py
- Book allocation problem.py
- Generate all subsets.py
- Combination - 1
- Combinations sum - 1
- Combinations sum - 2
- Combinations sum - 3
- Permutations
- unique subsets
- Next greater element to right
- Next Greater element to left
- Next smaller element to right
- next smaller element to left
- stock span problem
- trapping rain water
- 2sum
- Count Inversions
- cyclically rotate an array
- dutch flag problem
- find duplicate in an array
- kth element
- kadanes algo
- majority element-1
- majority element-2
- maximum no of 1 in a row
- median of two sorted array
- merge sorted array
- missing element in ap
- negative at beginning
- pascals triangle
- pow(x,n)
- stock buy sell maximise profit
- union and intersection of an array
- differs atmost by k
- 0,1 knapsack
- subset sum problem
- equal sum partition
- count of subset sum
- minimize difference between two subset
- target sum
- rod cutting problem
- coin change problem
- minimum coin change
- longest common subsequnce
- longest common substring
- printing shortest common substring
- min insertions deletions to make string LCS
- Scrambled string
- egg drop problem