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SAMOA for MOA users

Albert Bifet edited this page Oct 22, 2013 · 4 revisions

If you're an advanced user of MOA, you'll find easy to run SAMOA. You need to note the following:

  • There is no GUI interface in SAMOA
  • You can run SAMOA in the following modes:
    1. Simulation Environment. Use instead of moa.DoTask
    2. Storm Local Mode. Use instead of moa.DoTask
    3. Storm Cluster Mode. You need to use the samoa script as it is explained in [Executing SAMOA with Apache Storm](Executing SAMOA with Apache Storm).
    4. S4. You need to use the samoa script as it is explained in [Executing SAMOA with Apache S4](Executing SAMOA with Apache S4)

To start with SAMOA, you can start with a simple example using the CoverType dataset as it is discussed in [Getting Started](Getting Started).