This repository holds code for fitting absorption spectra, specifically aimed at supernova spectra.
- wrapper of allowing the user to fit a line defining only the input filename
- follows the Silverman et al (2012) method.
- fits multiple gaussian profiles simultaneously
$ python input_filename
input filename must be in one of the following formats:
- an ascii file with the first column wavelength and the second column flux
- an ascii file with a column with 'wave' in the name and a column with 'flux' in a format that can recognize the column names
- a fits file with an array of fluxes and the wavelength solution in the header
- a fits file with a 4x1xn array where the first (of four) columns represents the flux and the wavelength solution in the header
- a fits binary table or fits rec array with a column name with 'wave' in it and a column name with 'flux' in it
There are a variety of command line options that can be accessed with python --help
Advanced example of fitting Ha emission on a fits binary table with the spectrum in the 1st extension
$ python 1999em_19991208_2451520.5_1.fits --ext 1 -p e --output 1999em_fit.csv --rest_wave 6563 -n Ha --def_fit_range
Example wrappers of these scripts are in the examples directory.
example/ demonstrates how to setup the For your specific run of this file, you should modify feature_dict to be your feature of interest (line 22), supernova details, data_directories, and filenames. The feature_dict is passed to line_analysis_BSNIP.characterize_line in line 54. This is what does the actual fitting, lines 44-53 wrap multiple features and deal with linking directories to the correct filenames.
example/ demonstrates how to setup the analysis. Here you define the line you are fitting in line 6, read in the spectrum and create a spectrum object with attributes wave, flux, and error in line 8, add the attribute 'filename' in line 12 and call the interactive line fitting in line 13.
Documentation for most commonly used functions in
define_feature(spectrum, line_name, absorption=True,
similar_widths=True, fixed_offset = False, offsets=None,
input_filename=None, input_append=False, interactive=True,
return_fit=False, search_range=None, define_fit_range=True):
Fit single or multiple components to an emission or absorption feature
spectrum: spectrum1d object
spectrum1d class object with wave and flux attributes
line_name: str
name of the line you are going to fit
absorption (optional ): bool
if True (default) feature is treated as an absorption feature,
False is not implemented
similar_widths: bool
if True (default) all lines fit are required to have the same width
(either stddev or FWHM depending on the model)
fixed_offset: bool
If True, a fixed offset between gaussian means is used. offset keyword must also be defined.
offsets: array like
list of offsets of lines from left most line (e.g. for Ca II (8498, 8542, 8662), offsets = [44, 164])
input_filename: str
name of file that input fit parameters will be read from when interactive=False
input_append: bool
if True, input parameters will be appended to current informatio in input_filename,
if False, the file will be over written
interactive: bool
If True, user is asked to define fitting parameters
If False, this information is read from input_filename file
return_fit: bool
If True, fit object is returned
search_range: int/None
If set to a number, the allowed values for the mean of each gaussian are bounded
by input mean (either from input_file or by clicking) +/- search_range
define_fit_range: bool
If True, user defines fit range and continuum separately
If False, user defined continuum and this is used as the fit range
min_list: list
list of wavelength locations of minimum of each fit
pew_list: list
list of tuples (equivalent width, left error, right error) for each feature fit.
the error is defined as the value that includes 33.3% of the total integrated flux
defined between continuum_l.wave and continuum_r.wave
fig: matplotlib figure object
a figure of the spectrum, including errors, the continuum points with errors,
the fit bounding points, the minima wavelengths including errors, compound
fit, and the equivalent width (and error). This object can be saved if desired
fit: astropy.modeling fit object
if return_fit is True, the astropy modeling fit object is returned.
interactive_fig: matplotlib figure object
if return_fit is True, the figure of the compound fit and each individual element are returned
* Fit to emission is not yet implemented
* If similar widths is used then all features have exactly the same width
fit_feature(line_wave, line_flux, fit_wave, fit_type, center_list, ax1, ax2,
continuum_l, continuum_r,
offsets=None, fixed_offset=False, similar_widths=True, absorption=True,
Fit single or multiple components to an emission or absorption feature
line_wave: array like
wavelength in spectrum that corresponding to feature. Should be same length as line_flux
line_flux array like
flux in spectrum that corresponds to feature. Should be same length as line_wave
fit_wave: array like
wavelengths for the fit to be evaluated at (for plotting purposes)
fit_type: str (g, l, m)
type of function to fit: g=Gaussian, l=Lorentzian, m=Moffatt. Default is 'g'
center_list: list
list of (x, y) pair tuples corresponding to initial guesses for the position of
the features being fit. The number of objects in this list defines the number
of lines fit.
ax1: matplotlib subplot object
subplot to plot the compound fit and its components
ax2: matplotlib subplot object
subplot to plot residuals of compound fit
continuum_l: endpoint named tuple
endpoint object containing the wavelength, flux, and error of the left continuum point
continuum_r: endpoint named tuple
endpoint object containing the wavelength, flux, and error of the right continuum point
absorption (optional ): bool
if True (default) feature is treated as an absorption feature,
False is not implemented
similar_widths: bool
if True (default) all lines fit are required to have the same width
(either stddev or FWHM depending on the model)
fixed_offset: bool
If True, a fixed offset between gaussian means is used. offset keyword must also be defined.
offsets: array like
list of offsets of lines from left most line (e.g. for Ca II (8498, 8542, 8662), offsets = [44, 164])
search_range: int/None
If set to a number, the allowed values for the mean of each gaussian are bounded
by input mean (either from input_file or by clicking) +/- search_range
fit: astropy.modeling fit object
if return_fit is True, the astropy modeling fit object is returned.
lines: list
list of matplotlib line2d objects
args: dict
dictionary with keys 'size_arg', 'mean_arg', and 'width_arg' and values that correspond to the
parameter names in the model defined in fit_type
ax1: same axis object input - but with things plotted on it
ax2: same axis object input - but with things plotted on it