Download and apply the extended time annotation dataset (ETAD) product to a sentinel-1 SLC.
This notebook fills a gap to demonstrate the complete process of downloading all required files and applying the ETAD product to generate a corrected Sentinel-1 SLC product.
The Extended Timing Annotation Dataset (ETAD) for Copernicus Sentinel-1 is a new auxiliary product developed by ESA (with DLR as contractor), providing users with corrections to improve geometric accuracy of Sentinel-1 SLC images to centimetric levels. For more information see -
ETAD NetCDF structure. Each product covers a complete Sentinel-1 data-take following the SLC product structure. The correction layers are regularly sampled 2-D grids with approximately 200 m resolution that are grouped at burst level. Credit ESA (
The ETAD.ipynb notebook demonstrates how to download and apply an ETAD product to a sentinel-1 SLC.
A package management tool such as mamba (recommended) or anaconda is required
conda env create -f environment.yaml
Run the ETAD.ipynb notebook
Two sets of credentials are required and should be set in the notebook:
Earthdata credentials -
Copernicus dataspace credentials -