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Monytor is a configurable monitoring tool written in .NET Standard. Most services run with .NET Core. But to use Windows specific functions (e.g. Performance Counter) there is a version for .NET Framework available, too.


Monytor runs "Collectors" which are responsible for collecting data. The result will be saved in a database (RavenDB) as a time series. A bunch of collectors is already available but can easily extended. All collectors can be scheduled independently with many arguments and can be extended with "verifiers" and "notifications".


A dashboard visualizes all collected data. Therefore, Monytor provides a Web API to access all time series.

Monytor Dashboard Monytor Collector Console


  • .NET Core 2.0
  • RavenDB Server 3.5 (Link)
  • Node.js (Link)
  • gulp (Link)


  • Install Node.js
  • Install gulp.js
npm install -g gulp

Build, run & publish

Run the code

To collect data run Monytor

cd monytor
dotnet run

Run the server

cd monytor.webapi
dotnet run


You can publish Monytor and Monytor.WebApi with the script:


Run published Monytor & Monytor.WebApi

After publishing the services, you can run them all with:


Setup & run Monytor.WebApi only

Run Monytor.WebApi on localhost with port 55555

cd Monytor.WebApi
dotnet Monytor.WebApi.dll --server.Urls "http://localhost:55555"

Enable remote access for Monytor.WebApi

cd Monytor.WebApi
dotnet Monytor.WebApi.dll --server.Urls "http://*:55555"


By default the Web API is accessible under http://localhost:5000/api/serie. The dashboard can be display under http://localhost:5000



Before you can run Monytor you have to update the "collectorconfig.json" which should be already available. A default configuration can be generated by calling

cd monytor
dotnet run --CreateDefaultConfig

Typically a config looks like that:

  "Notifications": [
      "$type": "Monytor.Implementation.Notifications.EmailNotification, Monytor.Implementation",
      "Id": "Monytor.EmailNotification",
      "Smtp": "",
      "Port": "587",
      "UseDefaultCredentials": false,
      "User": "YOUR_USERNAME",
      "Password": "YOUR_PASSWORD",
      "EnableSsl": true,
      "To": [
      "From": "",
      "SubjectPrefix": "ALERT: "
  "Collectors": [
      "$type": "Monytor.Implementation.Collectors.RavenDb.AllCollectionCollector, Monytor.Implementation.Collectors.RavenDb",
      "Source": {
        "Url": "http://localhost:8080",
        "Database": "Monytor"
      "GroupName": "Collection",
      "StartingTimeDelay": "00:00:00",
      "RandomTimeDelay": "00:00:00",
      "PollingInterval": "01:00:00",
      "OverlappingReccuring": false,
      "StartingTime": null,
      "EndAt": null,
      "Priority": 3,
      "Verifiers": [
          "$type": "Monytor.Implementation.Verifiers.SerieChangeVerifier, Monytor.Implementation",
          "Group": "Collection",
          "Tag": "Serie",
          "TimeInterval": "01:00:00",
          "SerieRepository": null,
          "Notifications": [

Available Collectors

Currently the following collectors are available:

  • AllCollectionCollector
    • Counts all documents in every collection for a RavenDB
  • CollectionCollector
    • Counts all documents in a collection for a RavenDB
  • StartingWithCollector
    • Counts all documents in a RavenDB starting with a document id
  • SystemInformationCollector
    • Counts several metrics of the current system
  • RestApiCollector
    • Calls REST Api. JsonPath parses results.
  • PerformanceCounterCollector
    • Calls Performance Counter (Windows OS only)


  • Gulp for Monytor.WebApi in Visual Studio (Windows) fails:
    • Ensure that gulp is installed and the $(PATH) variable in Tools -> Options -> Projects and Solutions -> Web Package Management -> External Web Tools is on top. See also: Link, Link


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