A little Python Program which uses tkinter to draw lines, polygons and bezier curves, that I made in July 2023 as part of university coursework.
To use the program first mage sure that you have python installed. The easiest way to download python would be to download it from the Microsoft Store if you're on WindowsOS. The program was made using Python 3.10. Lower versions have not been tested and may or may not work. Also make sure to have the python packages PIL (pillow) and tk (tkinter) installed. To do this, simply open cmd.exe and type "pip install tk pillow". The necessary packages will then be downloaded and installed. Alternatively you can download the necessary packages using a package manager of your choice like Anaconda. You can either run the program by using your command line or by running it using an IDE like Pycharm. To use the program via the command line (e.g. cmd.exe), navigate to the folder where the "Python-Mini-Canvas-Drawing-App.py" script is located by typing "cd [Absolute Path to folder in which Python-Mini-Canvas-Drawing-App.py is located]". After you've done that, type "Python-Mini-Canvas-Drawing-App.py". You can now use the program to create colorful lines, polygons and bezier curves, drag the control points around, hide control points, clear the canvas, save your drawing and more.