More documentation to come over the next few days.
This is a Laravel 5.7 application. Its purpose is to record the counts of votes on a UK Parliament open petition at regular intervals to allow trends to be analysed.
Current open petitions can be found here:
- Add a petition, or update a petition metadatapetition:fetch-votes
- Fetch and store current vote counts for a petition.petition:fix-data
- temporary data fixer as the data model is refined in early stages.
This list will likely grow:
- Document commands.
- Set schedule in data.
- Support enable/disable flag.
- Disable a schedule when a petition closes.
- Front-end reporting and data export.
- Installation instructions.
- Automatically update petition metadata on any substantive change (e.g. milestones).
- With lots of jobs scheduled, it may be worth running them from a queue so jobs could be run in parallel.