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Guide to Loris React components

christinerogers edited this page Oct 1, 2020 · 10 revisions

This page is deprecated - contact the LORIS team for more information

Note: this guide assumes a basic understanding of React concepts and lifecycle.
For React documentation click here.

You can find a set of reusable components under jsx/ directory of your Loris installation. The list is continuously expanding, so watch out for updates.

Table of Contents

  1. StaticDataTable.js
  2. DynamicDataTable.js
  3. Form.js
  4. FilterForm.js 🆕
  5. Tabs.js 🆕
  6. Panel.js 🆕
  7. Breadcrumbs.js
  8. PaginationLinks.js
  9. Markdown.js
  10. MultiSelectDropdown.js (Currently only used by DQT, ask Jordan for details)


Static Data Table displays a set of data that is receives via props.


Optional props are in [] brackets.

Props Type Description
Headers array Headers of the given table
Data array Data to be shown in the table
[RowNumLabel] string Header of the first column of every table (Default: 'No.')
[getFormattedCell] function Signaturefunction formatColumn(column, cell, rowData, rowHeaders){}
Return: JSX element for a table cell
[freezeColumn] string Name of the column that stays in place when table is scrolled horizontally
[RowNameMap] ??? ???
[Filter] object Object used to filter displayed data


    Headers={['ID', 'First Name', 'Last Name']}
    Data=[[1, 'Ted', 'Mosby'], [2, 'Barney', 'Stinson'], [3, 'Robin', 'Scherbatsky']]

Note: formatColumn() is usually declared in a separate file, typically named columnFormatter.js


DynamicDataTable is a wrapper around StaticDataTable

Instead of raw Data and Headers, it expects a URL pointing to JSON data which it retrieves and passes down to StaticDataTable. All other properties are the same as in StaticDataTable as they are passed down to it.


  freezeColumn="File Name"


Form.js contains a collection of components commonly used to built interactive forms.


FormElement is a React wrapper around HTML <form> element.


Props Type Description
name string Form name
[id] string Form unique id
[method] string GET or POST
[class] string CSS class applied on <form> element
[columns] number Number of columns in the form. Determines the layout of children elements.
[formElements] object React elements rendered inside the <form>
[onSubmit] function Callback function triggered on form submission
[onUserInput] function Callback function triggered on input change in one of the form elements


SelectElement is a react wrapper around HTML <select>.


Props Type Description
name string Element name. Must be consistent with values used on the backend.
options object Options displayed in the <select> dropdown
[label] string User friendly text describing <select> purpose. Default: ""
[value] string or array Selected value(s). Default: undefined
[id] string Element unique id. Default: ""
[class] string CSS class applied on <form> element. Default: ""
[multiple] bool When set to true the element replicates native HTML5 behaviour allowing user to select multiple elements in the dropdown. Default: false
[disabled] bool When set to true HTML5 disabled is applied to the element. Default: false
[required] bool When set to true HTML5 required is applied to the element. Additionally, a red 'asterisk' is displayed along the label. Default: false
[emptyOption] bool By default adds an empty option to every <select> dropdown. Default: true
[hasError] bool When set to true adds displays errorMessage and applies error styles to the element. Default: false
[errorMessage] string The error message, displayed only if hasError is set to true. Default: "The field is required!"
[onUserInput] function Callback function triggered on input change


TextboxElement is a react wrapper around HTML <input type="text">.


Props Type Description
name string Element name. Must be consistent with values used on the backend.
[label] string User friendly text describing <input typ="text" /> purpose. Default: ""
[value] string Selected value(s). Default: undefined
[id] string Element unique id. Default: ""
[disabled] bool When set to true HTML5 disabled is applied to the element. Default: false
[required] bool When set to true HTML5 required is applied to the element. Additionally, a red 'asterisk' is displayed along the label. Default: false
[onUserInput] function Callback function triggered on input change


TextareaElement element is a react wrapper around HTML <textarea>.


Props Type Description
name string Element name. Must be consistent with values used on the backend.
[label] string User friendly text describing <textarea> purpose. Default: ""
[value] string Selected value(s). Default: undefined
[id] string Element unique id. Default: ""
[disabled] bool When set to true HTML5 disabled is applied to the element. Default: false
[required] bool When set to true HTML5 required is applied to the element. Additionally, a red 'asterisk' is displayed along the label. Default: false
[onUserInput] function Callback function triggered on input change


DateElement is a react wrapper around HTML <input type="date">.


Props Type Description
name string Element name. Must be consistent with values used on the backend.
[label] string User friendly text describing purpose of the element. Default: ""
[value] string Selected value(s). Default: undefined
[id] string Element unique id. Default: ""
[disabled] bool When set to true HTML5 disabled is applied to the element. Default: false
[required] bool When set to true HTML5 required is applied to the element. Additionally, a red 'asterisk' is displayed along the label. Default: false
[onUserInput] function Callback function triggered on input change


NumericElement is a react wrapper around HTML <input type="number">.


Props Type Description
name string Element name. Must be consistent with values used on the backend.
min number
max number
[label] string User friendly text describing purpose of the element. Default: ""
[value] string Selected value(s). Default: undefined
[id] string Element unique id. Default: ""
[disabled] bool When set to true HTML5 disabled is applied to the element. Default: false
[required] bool When set to true HTML5 required is applied to the element. Additionally, a red 'asterisk' is displayed along the label. Default: false
[onUserInput] function Callback function triggered on input change


FileElement renders custom HTML used to upload files.


Props Type Description
name string Element name. Must be consistent with values used on the backend.
[label] string User friendly text describing purpose of the element. Default: ""
[value] string Selected value(s). Default: undefined
[id] string Element unique id. Default: ""
[disabled] bool When set to true HTML5 disabled is applied to the element. Default: false
[required] bool When set to true HTML5 required is applied to the element. Additionally, a red 'asterisk' is displayed along the label. Default: false
[hasError] bool When set to true adds displays errorMessage and applies error styles to the element. Default: false
[errorMessage] string The error message, displayed only if hasError is set to true. Default: "The field is required!"
[onUserInput] function Callback function triggered on input change


StaticElement is a react wrapper around HTML <label>.


Props Type Description
[label] string User friendly text describing purpose of the element. Default: ""
[text] string or object Selected value(s). Default: undefined


ButtonElement is a react wrapper around HTML <button>.


Props Type Description
[label] string User friendly text describing purpose of the element. Default: ""
[type] string HTML <button/> type. Default: submit
[onUserInput] function Callback function triggered on input change


Loris element is a generic component that receives a JSON representation of the element and renders an appropriate component from the list above. It infers the type of the element to be rendered from element.type property.


// The element will typically be received in the PHP LorisForm format, 
// but can also be defined as a Javascript object.

const el = {
  type: "select",
  // other props

  element={element}          // JSON representation of a form element
  onUserInput={function(){}} // Optional callback function
  value={"123"}              // Optional props supported by the target element.



FilterForm component renders a 'Selection Filter' panel with form elements, as seen in the screenshot below.


Main functionality

  • Adds onUpdate callbacks to all children elements and passes them to FormElement for proper form rendering.
  • Updates filter object values to correspond to formElement values and propagates changes to parent component on every update. (This is particularly useful to filter StaticDataTable by filter values).
  • Updates browser query string using QueryString utility class in order to have persistent data in form fields across page updates


Props Type Description
Module string Module name
filter object An object containing the current values of form elements inside the filter
formElements object List of form elements in json format
[id] string Unique FilterForm id. Default: 'selection-filter'
[height] string The height of the selection filter panel. Default: 100%
[title] string Text displayed in the title bar of the panel. Default: 'Selection Filter'
[onUpdate] function Callback function triggered on input change in one of the form elements


  1. Passing form elements as a prop.
    • Particularly useful when converting existing Loris selection filters from PHP to React.
    • In the example below, this.state.Data.form contains JSON encoded value of $this->form->form returned from PHP backend.
// Renders a Selection Filter (as seen on the screenshot above)
// Form elements are passed to <FilterForm /> as a formElements prop.
  onUpdate={this.updateFilter}    // Update filter on FilterForm update
  filter={this.state.filter}	  // Keep track of filter in the parent class
  <ButtonElement type="reset" label="Clear Filters" />
  1. Passing form elements as children of <FilterForm />
// Renders a Selection Filter 
// Form elements are passed as children element of the <FilterForm />
  onUpdate={this.updateFilter}  // Update filter on FilterForm update
  filter={this.state.filter}    // Keep track of filter in the parent class
    label="Patient Name"
    label="Clear Filters"


Tabs.js consist of two React components <Tabs/> and <TabPane/> that are used together to render a Bootstrap tab UI with dynamic content. The screenshot below demonstrates an example of React tabs as used in media module.




Props Type Description
tabs array Array of tab objects consisting of and ID and a label
[defaultTab] string ID of the tab to display on page load. Overridden by tab ID from updateURL if any. Default: the first tab from tabs array.
[updateURL] bool If set to true, the component will look for #tab-id in the browser query string in order to open appropriate tab on page load. Default: false
[onTabChange] function Callback function invoked on tab change


Props Type Description
TabID string Binds tab content pane, to the appropriate tab "button"
[Title] string Optional title to display on top of the tab content
activeTab string Passed automatically by <Tabs/> to determine wether the tab content should be displayed based on the currently active tab value.


  1. Define an array of tabs with unique IDs and labels
const tabList = [{id: "tab1", label: "This is tab title"}];`
  1. Pass tabList as <Tab> prop and <TabPane> as a child
<Tabs tabs={tabList} defaultTab="tab1">
  <TabPane TabId={tabList[0].id}>
  // Tab content goes here
  // Add a <TabPane/> component per tab

Note: when a large number of tabs is required, the creation of tab panes can be automated in a loop. See CandidateParameters for an example of such usage.


Wrapper around bootstrap panel. Can be used as a standalone component or nested inside a parent (example FilterForm)



Props Type Description
[id] string Panel id. Needs to be unique if multiple panels are used on the same page. Default: 'default-panel'
[height] string Height of the panel component. Default: '100%'
[title] string Text shown in the title bar of the panel. Default: If not specified, the title bar is not shown.
[initCollapsed] bool Initial state of the panel (collapsed = closed). Default: false


<Panel id="log_panel" title="Log Viewer">
  // Children components shown inside the panel


Wrapper around bootstrap breadcrumbs used for uniquely navigation on Loris website. For usage see htdocs/main.tpl


Component used by StaticDataTable to add pagination to table results.


Props Type Description
Total number Total number of table rows in the table
RowsPerPage number Number of table rows per page
Active number Index of the currently displayed page
onChangePage function Callback function invoked on page change


  onChangePage={this.changePage} // Defined within parent


Markdown component is used to render markdown text into HTML by way of JSX.

Only very basic markdown is supported. In particular:

  1. Paragraphs can be delineated with an empty line.
  2. **text** or __text__ will bold the text. *text* or _text_ will italicize it.
  3. Up to six header levels can be supported by starting a paragraph with (up to 6) # characters.
  4. Links can be added with [text](url)

This should be enough to write help documents in Markdown, even without the more complicated features that markdown should support.


Props Type Description
content string A string containing text in markdown format


Used uniquely by Data Query Tool.

  • For generic <select/> and multiselect dropdown, use SelectElement from Form.js
  • To investigate functionality of MultiSelectDropdown or any other questions contact the LORIS team

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