As part of enhancing our internal services which are available to our employees, we would like to build a Twitter like solution for our employees, where employees can tweet and have followers.
- Spring MVC
- Spring JDBC Template
- Authentication using Spring Security
- Maven
Clone the project from : or run this command : git clone
This project is expecting the user to have MySQL alreadys installed on their machine. If not you can get if from here or can even use brew to install, if you are running it on MacOS.
There are two ways to push the data into the mysql db and tables.
- a) Change your account to root and then issue the following two commands:
- mysql < /PathtoTwitterIntuit/scripts/create_twitter_intuit.sql
- mysql < /PathtoTwitterIntuit/scripts/populate_twitter_intuit.sql OR
- b) Create the database 'twitterintuit' on MySQL
- if need be, change the username and password on the file "spring-database.xml"
- Run the scripts present on the 'scripts' folder on the following order:
- create_twitter_intuit.sql
- populate_twitter_intuit.sql
- a) Change your account to root and then issue the following two commands:
Import the project to Eclipse or other IDE.
Run the project - Run as Server
Use the application on your browser or by doing requests to the API
If running from a browser go to : http://localhost:8080/TwitterIntuit/
- to use the endpoints of the application, you first need to successfully login
- Alternatively, for testing the CRUD actions you can even use Postman.
- POST - /dologin - login to the application
- parameters:
- username - login username
- password - login password
- parameters:
- POST - /logout - logout from the application
- POST - /tweet/create - create a new tweet
- parameters:
- tweet - text of the tweet to add
- parameters:
- GET - /tweets/all?search=[query] - search for tweets of all users
- GET - /feed- search for tweets of all the users followed by the logged in user
- GET - /tweets/[username]?search=[query] - search for tweets of specific user
- GET - /following - list of users the user follows
- GET - /followers - list of users that follow the user
- POST - /users/follow - start following a user
- parameters:
- username - username of the user to start following
- parameters:
- POST - /users/unfollow - start unfollowing a user
- parameters:
- username - username of the user to stop following
- parameters:
- POST - /delete - delete a tweet (only ADMIN users can access this feature)
- parameters:
- username - username of the user to delete tweet
- tweet - the actual tweet
- parameters: