Releases: achirkin/qua-kit
qua-kit & helen & siren
qua-kit binaries pack
These binaries allow to run qua-kit under linux and windows.
The site runs at http://localhost:3000
The binaries were build under Ubuntu 16.04 x64 and on Windows 10 x64.
The siren service is based on PostgreSQL database and its extension PostGIS.
This means that to build and run the service, you need to install those.
On Ubuntu 16.04 I am using following command for this purpose:
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgis
Currently, postgresql
package refers to postgresql-9.5
package refers to postgresql-9.5-postgis-2.2
On windows I use an installer at
Setting up a database
On Ubuntu run a script
as a user with postgres rights
, e.g.:
sudo -u postgres ./
On Windows run a script setup-sirendb.bat
Running on Ubuntu
The following command run everything in separate unix threads
./qua-server &
./helen &
sleep 1
./siren &
./multi-parametric-service &
sleep 1
To stop everithing in the same manner, just type:
killall helen
killall qua-server
Running on Windows
Just run all four applications in a given order by clicking on them.
- helen.exe
- qua-kit.exe
- siren.exe
- hs-example-service.exe