A cursed librairy to create SQL queries using JSX
YOU CAN ONLY USE THIS LIBRAIRY IN PURELY COMMERCIAL PROJECTS. I want to see this in prod (for legal reasons this is a joke, you can use this whatever you want, just you know, a bit of credit would be nice)
const query = (
<Select table="Users" columns={["*"]} alias="u">
<Clause clause={`u.id = ${author.id}`} />
<Clause clause={`u.isAdmin = ${author.isAdmin}`} />
<Sort column="createdAt" order="asc" />
<Limit value={100} />
// With TypeORM
const rawData = await manager.query(query);
// With Prisma
const result = await prisma.$queryRaw(
## Testing
Didn't test, don't care, don't @ me
- Support
- Support
- Support
- Support Transactions (that's gonna be fun)