A module for cross-platform control of the mouse and keyboard in python that is simple to use.
Mouse control should work well for most users on Windows, Mac, and X11 (most linux) systems.
Keyboard control works on X11(linux) and Windows systems. Mac control is partially complete.
Depending on your platform, you will need the following python modules for PyUserInput to function:
- Linux - Xlib
- Mac - Quartz, AppKit
- Windows - pywin32, pyHook
After installing PyUserInput, you should have pymouse and pykeyboard modules in your python path. Let's make a mouse and keyboard object:
from pymouse import PyMouse
from pykeyboard import PyKeyboard
m = PyMouse()
k = PyKeyboard()
Here's an example of clicking the center of the screen and typing "Hello, World!":
x_dim, y_dim = m.screen(size)
m.click(x_dim/2, y_dim/2, 1)
k.type_string('Hello, World!')
I'll be working on a more complete documentation later, but most of the functionality should be evident in the source.
I'd like to make a special note about using PyMouseEvent and PyKeyboardEvent. These objects are a framework for listening for mouse and keyboard input; they don't do anything besides listen until you subclass them. I'm still formalizing PyKeyboardEvent, so here's an example of subclassing PyMouseEvent:
from pymouse import PyMouseEvent
def fibo():
a = 0
yield a
b = 1
yield b
while True:
a, b = b, a+b
yield b
class Clickonacci(PyMouseEvent):
def __init__(self):
self.fibo = fibo()
def click(self, x, y, button, press):
'''Print Fibonacci numbers when the left click is pressed.'''
if button == 1:
if press:
else: # Exit if any other mouse button used
C = Clickonacci()
Pepijn de Vos - For making PyMouse and allowing me to modify and distribute it along with PyKeyboard.