A Zenphoto plugin to embed maps from Google Maps or OpenStreetMap via content macros.
Place the plugin file within /plugin
and enable the plugin.
[GOOGLEMAP http://maps.google.de/maps?hl=de&ll=45.706179,4.921875&spn=49.865069,79.189453&t=m&z=4 100% 300 googlemap]
The url is the map link followed by width/height (number or percentage like 100%) and a CSS class name (all required)
[OPENSTREETMAP http://www.openstreetmap.org/export/embed.html?bbox=-11,14.5,56.4,67.4&layer=mapnik 100% 300 googlemap]
The url can be:
- The permalink you find at the bottom of the map page.
- The permalink url or the url you sadly need to extract from the iFrame export code (Sadly they do not list that plain url)
Those followed as above by width/height (number or percentage like 100%) and a CSS class name (all required)
License: GPL v3