This project is designed to provide HTML and REST service access to published ACT services.
- /api/rest/v0.1/statments (GET) Fetch all statements
- /api/rest/v0.1/statments/search?description=triangle&subject={mathematics,reading,english,writing} (GET) Search for statements based on description and/or subject
- /api/rest/v0.1/statments (POST) Publish all statments
- /api/rest/v0.1/statments/{id} (GET) Fetch one statement by id
- /api/rest/v0.1/statments/{id} (PUT) Update statement
- /api/rest/v0.1/statments/{id} (DELETE) Remove a statement
- Using Node.js, express/jade, and mongo
- mongo -u heroku -p password
- mongoimport --username heroku --password password --host --db appname --collection standards --type csv --file ./writing.csv --headerline
- make sure using LF on csv
- mongoimport --db act-standards-db --collection trees --jsonArray < writing-tree.json
- mongo localhost:27017/test update-children.js
Created with Nodeclipse v0.4 (Eclipse Marketplace, site)