Macro to create data structures as structs with less boilerplate.
First, add QuickStruct to your mix.exs
def deps do
[{:quick_struct, "~> 0.1"}]
and run $ mix deps.get
defmodule User do
use QuickStruct, [firstname: String.t, name: String.t]
Now you can use User.t
in @type
and @spec
declarations. To create
instances of your data structure, use one of the following options:
iex(3)> User.make("Jon", "Adams")
%User{firstname: "Jon", name: "Adams"}
iex(4)> User.make([name: "Adams", firstname: "Jon"])
%User{firstname: "Jon", name: "Adams"}
iex(5)> %User{name: "Adams", firstname: "Jon"}
%User{firstname: "Jon", name: "Adams"}
You can also define a struct without types, for instance:
defmodule QuickStructTest.Pair do
use QuickStruct, [:first, :second]
The QuickStruct macro is a very shorthand option to define a struct, a
data type and enforce all fields. The User
-struct is equivalent to:
@enforce_keys [:firstname, :name]
defstruct [:firstname, :name]
@type t :: %User{firstname: String.t, name: String.t}
The macro also provides make
-functions as constructors and other functions, see QuickStruct for further documentation. The generated make
-functions for the User
-struct are equivalent to:
@spec make(String.t, String.t) :: User.t
def make(firstname, name) do
%User{firstname: firstname, name: name}
@spec make([firstname: String.t, name: String.t]) :: User.t
def make(fields) do
Kernel.struct!(User, fields)
The optional argument :predicate
can be used to generate a predicate for the struct:
defmodule UserWithPredicate do
use QuickStruct, [firstname: String.t, name: String.t], predicate: :user?
iex> user = User.make("Jon", "Adams")
%User{firstname: "Jon", name: "Adams"}
iex> User.user?(user)
iex> User.user?(non_user_struct)
iex> User.user?(1)
If you need plenty of different data structures, you can use
require QuickStruct
QuickStruct.define_module(User, [firstname: String.t, name: String.t])
QuickStruct.define_module(Pair, [:first, :second])
to create a module and the corresponding struct. So this is shorthand for:
defmodule User do
use QuickStruct, [firstname: String.t, name: String.t]
defmodule Pair do
use QuickStruct, [:first, :second]
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