$ Install the latest Rust toolchain and clone the repo
$ cargo run
GET /invoice/:id - Get the invoice by id (the server will return a json response with the invoice data)
You can use the following schema to create an invoice or you can edit the schema for your application
"invoice": {
"id": -878490253,
"invoiceNumber": "1",
"invoiceDate": "01.01.2021",
"invoiceLocation": "test",
"serviceDate": "01.01.2021",
"invoiceCurrency": "EUR",
"dueDate": "01.01.2021",
"partner": {
"id": 1234,
"partnerName": "test test",
"partnerAddress": "test 33",
"partnerPostalCode": "test, test",
"partnerVatId": "00000000",
"isVatPayer": false
"company": {
"id": 123,
"companyCurrency": "€",
"companyName": "test, s.p.",
"companyAddress": "test test 15",
"companyPostalCode": "test test",
"companyBankname": "test d.d.",
"companyVatId": "test",
"companyIban": "test test",
"companySwift": "test",
"companyRegistrationNumber": "test",
"companyPhone": "test",
"companySignature": null,
"companySignaturePath": null,
"companyVatRate": 0.0,
"companyBusinessRegisteredAt": "test"
"invoiceTax": 0.0,
"invoiceReference": "0000",
"services": [
"id": 1247199806,
"serviceName": "test",
"serviceQuantity": 1,
"servicePrice": 1.0
"createdBy": "Invoicer",
"status": "Unpaid"
"config": {
"fontSizes": {
"small": 9.0,
"medium": 12.0,
"large": 16.0