Go package that provides a client for interacting with the current weather API hosted by OpenWeather. Also provides a CLI that displays basic measurements of current weather for a given location.
You will need to create an OpenWeather account and API key. See their getting started guide for help on how to do this. Once you have the API key, it should be set as the environment variable OPENWEATHER_API_KEY
$ cd cmd/weather
$ go run main.go -h
USAGE: weather [-units={standard|metric|imperial}] <location>
-units string
the units to use, one of: standard, metric, imperial (default "imperial")
$ OPENWEATHER_API_KEY=<YOUR-API-KEY> go run main.go --units=metric london
overcast clouds, 9.21 C, humidity 46%
Windows Powershell
PS cd cmd\weather
PS go run main.go --units=metric london
overcast clouds, 9.21 C, humidity 46%