0.21.0 - 2020.08.31
Special thanks to @henrygab, @pyro9, @Nenik, @orrmany, @thaanstad, @kevinfrei for contributing and helping with this release.
- Reworked HardwarePWM, analogWrite, Servo, Tone to address PWM hardware conflict with ownership.
- Reworked Tone to use no interrupt handler
- Added multiprotocol support such as ANT with additional ANT_LICENSE_KEY (require 3rd party library)
- Fixed pgm_read_ptr(addr) macro
- Updated & enhanced TinyUSB performance, usb event, task switching is much faster
- Fixed BLE Characteristic discovery when the central device returns more than 4 Characteristics in a discovery request
- Enhanced micro() to use DWT cyclecount if enabled for higher precision
- Fixed miscalculated tick when sleeping with delay()
- Fixed FPU-caused power consumption issue
- Added Wire.setPins()
- Added resumeLoop()
- Renamed I2C terminology
- Support precompiled library with compiler.libraries.ldflags e.g BSEC BME680
- Added Hardware/tone_happy_birthday example sketch