This project is a VHDL implementation of a simplified ARM7TDMI CPU.
You need to have a VHDL simulator installed on your system, whether it is GHDL or ModelSim.
You also need to have Python 3 installed on your system with vunit_hdl installed to run the testbenches.
You can install vunit_hdl using pip:
pip install vunit_hdl
For linux users, a nix flake with the necessary dependencies is provided (ghdl, gtkwave, python, vunit).
You can use it to run the testbenches or to build the project.
Just run the following command to enter a shell with the dependencies:
nix develop
You can run every testbenches using the following command:
If you want to be more specific, you can look at the help:
./ --help
- Adam Thibert (adam.thibert)
- Adrien Navratil (adrien.navratil)