Common base images I use.
Alpine 3.20, but with:
- bash (as entrypoint)
- curl
- htop
- nano
- libstdc++
Makes debugging easier. A good base image for final stages.
Any misc extra packages to use when building.
Base image: common:latest
- sudo
- dpkg
- git
- rsync
- ssh
Latest version of caddy, with:
- Cloudflare DNS
Exposed as a single file at /caddy.
To export the binary for use in other systems:
container=$(docker container create aburgess/caddy:2 --pull always)
docker cp $container:/caddy ./caddy
docker container rm $container
Base image: aburgess/common:extra
- build-base (alpine's build-essential)
- linux-headers
- openssl-dev
- cmake
Base image: aburgess/gcc:latest
I will add stuff to this image when I don't want to recompile dependencies.
Base image: aburgess/common:latest
Versions 22 of node.
Base image: aburgess/node:22
Includes the latest version of npm, yarn, pnpm.
Also includes nrr.
Generally you build on this image, then have a final stage on the other image.
Base image: Alpine 3.20
Builds the latest version of the JPEG XL encoder/decoder and provides them as /cjxl and /djxl.