Adam Jacobs
- Email:
- UFID: 6394-7174
- OS: Ubuntu 22.04
- ROS Version: ROS 2 Humble
This ROS2 package implements OpenCV to detect faces in camera images. It consists of the following ROS nodes:
- usb_camera_node: Receives image data from a USB camera and publishes it for processing.
- face_detect_node: Subscribes to the image data, determines the location of faces, and publishes new image data with a bounding box around each detected face.
- rqt_image_view: Displays the image data with bounding boxes drawn over each detected face.
- Ubuntu 22.04
- ROS 2 Humble
- Colcon
- Python
- OpenCV
git clone
In face_detect/, change the workspace to the absolute path of your colcon workspace
workspace = '/home/username/rest_of_path_here/ros2_ws'
cd ros_workspace_path
colcon build --symlink-install
source install
ros2 launch face_detect