Hi! Here's a pastebin that runs on Google App Engine anywhere!
- A working Go environment, preferably >go1.11
- An account with a PostgreSQL server with credentials noted in keys.yaml
- Access to a Redis instance without password
- An account with the Google reCAPTCHA project with site key and secret key noted in keys.yaml
- An account with Google Cloud Platform with Google Drive API (v3) enabled, credentials in keys.yaml
- An account with Cloudflare with an API Token scoped for
Zone.Cache Purge
, credentials in keys.yaml
- Get the package and its dependencies with
go get github.com/adayoung/gae-pastebin
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/adayoung/gae-pastebin
,go run .
- Point your brower to http://localhost:2019/
- Sample deployment stuffs are available in confs/
Use the following command to build with the latest version of Go:
cd <path to repository>
docker run --rm -v $PWD:/go/src/github.com/adayoung/gae-pastebin -w /go/src/github.com/adayoung/gae-pastebin -v $GOPATH:/go -e "CGO_ENABLED=0" golang:latest go build -v -ldflags "-s -w" .
And keys.yaml to change the CSRFAuthKey and EncryptionK as well!
P.S.: This used to run on Google App Engine and there's probably a bunch of stuff about it that still lingers on. I'll eventually clean it up 😮