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Contains popular methods for searching and listing plain and hierarchical categories in Yii

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Category ActiveRecord Behavior for Yii

Contains popular methods for work with plain and hierarchical categories in Yii




Extract to protected/components.

Usage example

Attach any from this behaviors to your model. Use DCategoryBehavior for plain models and DCategoryTreeBehavior for hierarchical models.

class Tag extends CActiveRecord
    // ...
    public function behaviors()
        return array(
                    'order'=>'t.title ASC'
    private $_url;

    // Generates URL. Use simple `$model->url` instead of `Yii::app()->createUrl(...)`;
    public function getUrl()
        if ($this->_url === null)
            $this->_url = Yii::app()->createUtl('blog/tag', array('tag'=>$this->title);
        return $this->_url;
    // ...

// Static pages
class Page extends CActiveRecord
    // ...
    public function behaviors()
        return array(
                    'order'=>'t.title ASC'
    private $_url;

    // Generates URL for every page. Use simple `$model->url` instead of `Yii::app()->createUrl(...)`;
    public function getUrl()
        if ($this->_url === null)
            $this->_url = Yii::app()->request->baseUrl . '/page/' . $this->cache(3600)->getPath() . Yii::app()->urlManager->urlSuffix;
        return $this->_url;
    // ...

I recommend to create a base class Category and extend it in all subclasses

// Base class for all category models.
abstract class Category extends CActiveRecord
    // ...
    public function behaviors()
        return array(
                    'order'=>'t.position ASC, t.title ASC'

 * Existing of redeclared a custom field `urlPrefix` in all subclasses allows simple 
 * generate URL in a base class without overriding of `getUrl()` method in childs
class BlogCategory extends Category
    public static function model($className=__CLASS__)
        return parent::model($className);
    public function tableName()
		return '{{blog_category}}';

    public function relations()
		return array_merge(parent::relations(), array(
            'parent' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'BlogCategory', 'parent_id'),

    public function getUrl()

After attaching of this Behavior to your model you can use this public methods:



Common parameters:

Attribute Description Default
titleAttribute Model attribute, which used for a title showing. title
aliasAttribute Model attribute, which defined a alias. alias
urlAttribute Model property, which contains a url. Optionally your model can have a `url` attribute or a `getUrl()` method, which constructs a correct url for using our `getMenuList()` method. url
linkActiveAttribute Model property, which returns true for active menu item. Optionally declare own public `getLinkActive()` method in your model. linkActive
requestPathAttribute Set this request property if you can use default `getLinkActive()` method from this Behavior for `getMenuList()`. path
defaultCriteria Default criteria for all queries. array()

Common methods:

Method Description
findByAlias($alias) Finds model by alias attribute.
getArray() Returns primary keys of all items.
getAssocList() Returns a associated array ($id=>$title, $id=>$title, ...).
getAliasList() Returns a associated array ($alias=>$title, $alias=>$title, ...).
getUrlList() Returns a associated array ($url=>$title, $url=>$title, ...).
getMenuList() Returns items for zii.widgets.CMenu widget.
getLinkActive() Redeclare this method in your model for use `getMenuList()` or define in `requestPathAttribute` your $_GET attribute for url matching. It returns true if a current request url matches with category alias.

DCategoryTreeBehavior (extends DCategoryBehavior)

Content DCategoryBehavior specification and addons:

Additional parameters:

Attribute Description Default
parentAttribute Parent attribute. parent_id
parentRelation Parent relation. parent

Additional and overrided methods:

Method Description
findByPath($path) Finds a model by a path.
isChildOf($parent)* Checks for the current model is a child of the parent.
getChildsArray($parent=0)* Returns a array of primary keys of children items.
getAssocList($parent=0)* Returns a associated array ($id=>$fullTitle, $id=>$fullTitle, ...).
getAliasList($parent=0)* Returns a associated array ($alias=>$fullTitle, $alias=>$fullTitle, ...).
getTabList($parent=0)* Returns a tabulated array ($id=>$title, $id=>$title, ...).
getUrlList($parent=0)* Returns a associated array ($url=>$title, $url=>$title, ...).
getMenuList($sub=0, $parent=0)* Returns items for zii.widgets.CMenu widget.
getPath($separator='/') Constructs a full path for your current model.
getBreadcrumbs($lastLink=false) Constructs breadcrumbs for zii.widgets.CBreadcrumbs widget. Use `getBreadcrumbs(true)` if you want have a link in the last element.
getFullTitle($inverse=false, $separator=' - ') Constructs a full title for your current model.

* Argument $parent may contain a number, a model object or array of numbers. You may use:

  • Model::model()->getChildsArray();
  • Model::model()->getChildsArray(5);
  • Model::model()->getChildsArray(array(1, 3, 5));
  • Model::model()->getChildsArray($model) or $model->getChildsArray().

Using for the dropDownList() method:

<div class="row">
    <?php echo $form->labelEx($model, 'category_id'); ?><br />
    <?php echo $form->dropDownList(
    ); ?><br />
    <?php echo $form->error($model, 'category_id'); ?>

Using for CMenu widget (with caching):

<h2>All categories:</h2>
<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CMenu', array(
); ?>

<h2>Subcategories of <?php echo $category->title; ?>:</h2>
<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CMenu', array(
); ?>

Usage sample in E-shop

Configuration file config/main.php:

return array(
                // ...
                // ...

Base category model:

abstract class Category extends CActiveRecord
    protected $urlPrefix = '';
    // ...
    public function behaviors()
        return array(
                    'order'=>'t.title ASC'
    public function rules(){
        return array(
            array('title, alias', 'required'),
            array('title, alias', 'length', 'max'=>255),
            array('parent_id', 'numerical', 'integerOnly'=>true),
    public function attributeLabels(){
        // ...
    private $_url;

    // Generates URL. Use simple `$model->url` instead of `Yii::app()->createUrl(...)`;
    public function getUrl()
        if ($this->_url === null)
            $this->_url = Yii::app()->request->baseUrl . '/' . $this->urlPrefix . $this->cache(3600)->getPath() . Yii::app()->urlManager->urlSuffix;
        return $this->_url;
    // ...

ShopCategory model:

class ShopCategory extends Category
    protected $urlPrefix = 'shop/';
    public static function model($className=__CLASS__)
        return parent::model($className);
    public function tableName()
		return '{{blog_category}}';
    public function relations()
		return array_merge(parent::relations(), array(
            'parent' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'ShopCategory', 'parent_id'),

Product model:

class ShopProduct extends CActiveRecord
    // ...

	public function relations()
		return array(
            'category' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'ShopCategory', 'category_id'),

    private $_url;

    public function getUrl(){
        if ($this->_url === null)
            $this->_url = Yii::app()->request->baseUrl . '/shop/' . $this->category->path . '/' . $this->id;
        return $this->_url;


class ShopController extends Controller
    public function actionIndex()
        $criteria = new CDbCriteria;
        $criteria->order = ' DESC';
        $dataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider(

        $this->render('index', array(

    public function actionCategory($path)
        $category = ShopCategory::model()->findByPath($path);
        if (!$category)
            throw new CHttpException(404, 'Category not found');

        $criteria = new CDbCriteria;
        $criteria->order = ' DESC';
        $criteria->addInCondition('t.category_id', array_merge(
            array($category->id), $category->getChildsArray()
        $dataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider(

        $this->render('category', array(
            'category' => $category,
    public function actionView($id)
        $product = ShopProduct::model()->with('category')->findByPk($id);

        // Mirrors protection) 
        if (Yii::app()->request->requestUri != $product->url) 
        if (!$product) 
            throw new CHttpException(404, 'Not found');

        $this->render('view', array(

View shop/index.php:

$this->pageTitle = 'Catalog';
$this->breadcrumbs array('Catalog');


<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CMenu', array('items' => ShopCategory::model()->getMenuList()));?>

<?php echo $this->renderPartial('_loop', array('dataProvider'=>$dataProvider)); ?>

View shop/category.php:

$this->pageTitle = 'Catalog - ' . $category->getFullTitle();
$this->breadcrumbs = array_merge(

<h1><?php echo CHtml::encode($category->title); ?></h1>

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CMenu', array('items' => $category->getMenuList()));?>

<?php echo $this->renderPartial('_loop', array('dataProvider'=>$dataProvider)); ?>

View shop/view.php:

$this->pageTitle = $product->title;

if ($product->category)
    $this->breadcrumbs = array_merge($this->breadcrumbs, $product->category->getBreadcrumbs(true));

$this->breadcrumbs[]= $product->title;

<h1><?php echo CHtml::encode($product->title); ?></h1>

<?php if ($product->category): ?>
    <p>Category: <?php echo CHtml::link($product->category->title, $product->category->url); ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>

<p>Price: <?php echo $product->price; ?></p>


Contains popular methods for searching and listing plain and hierarchical categories in Yii






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