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Guard with debug

During babel transform we will turn console.log(...) into

if (debug.enabled("path/to/file.js") console.log(...)

For those who want

  • To turn on / off console.log using debug.js based on file name. No need to require('debug')('make:up:a:module:name') any more.
  • Browser native click go to source support for debug.js, which is not possible when you substitute console.log = debug("a:b:c")
  • To remove in production.

Solves this problem specifically How to disable console.log messages based on criteria from specific javascript source (method, file) or message contents Please kindly let me know if it's useful.

And I have found that this plugin actually encourages me to write more modular code that I can turn on / off together with the same rule.


// Turn on in browser

// src/folderA/*.js
console.log(...); // will be logged

// src/folderB/*.js
console.log(...); // will not be logged

// The preset way, based on multiple module you will access in a single execution.
// Register in localStorage as below.
const myDebugPreset = [

// Multiple rules in browser
// For specific rules check
localStorage.debug = [

If you transform your node.js files with babel you can also do the following

# Turn on in Node.js
DEBUG="src/folderA/*" node server.js

// src/folderA/*.js
console.log(...); // will be logged

// src/folderB/*.js
console.log(...); // will not be logged

# Turn off in Node.js
DEBUG="" node server.js

If you don't transform your node.js files with babel, please submit an issue and let me know. I have a non-transform version, but I am not sure how many people need it.


# npm
npm install --save debug
npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-guard-with-debug 

# yarn
yarn add debug
yarn add -D babel-plugin-guard-with-debug
// .babelrc.js
const path = require('path');

// the root folder as you want
const root = path.resolve('./') + '/';

module.exports = {
    "plugins": [
          // transform your '/path/to/repo/module/file.js' to 'module/file.js'
          // so that we can do `if (debug.enabled('module/file.js')) console.log(...)`
          "getDebugModuleName": ({absFileName}) => absFileName.split(root)[1],

          // remove all console.log(...) in production
          // will override "getDebugModuleName"
          "shouldRemove": ({absFileName}) => process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production',
          // do not "guard with debug" or "remove" these functions
          // by default all the functions will be processed
          "exclude": ["error", "warn"]


  • unit tests
  • examples
  • swc support