As the title said, this is my personal repo contains my Openbox theme collections. These themes are just window decorator. Suitable GTK theme for these theme are Lumiere & Fantome.
Now Playing : Dream Theater - Never Enough
Now Playing : Led Zeppelin - Since I've Been Loving You
Now Playing : Nirvana - Pennyroyal Tea
Now Playing : Led Zeppelin - Fool in the Rain
Now Playing : Dream Theater - Another Day
Now Playing : Dream Theater - Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence
Now Playing : Metallica - My Friend of Misery
Now Playing : Dream Theater - Just Let Me Breathe
Now Playing : Dream Theater - Endless Sacrifice
Now Playing : Dream Theater - Wither
Now Playing : Led Zeppelin - Thank You
Now Playing : Dream Theater - The Root of All Evil
Now Playing : Dream Theater - The Count of Tuscany
Now Playing : Dragonforce - My Spirit Will Go On
Other files like lemonbar, i3status, Xresources, audacious etc are inside the zip file
Now Playing : Dream Theater - Hey You (Live)
Other files like lemonbar, i3status, Xresources, gtk theme, dunst, geany, audacious, etc are inside the zip file
Now Playing : Pink Floyd - Echoes (Live)
Other files like lemonbar, i3status, Xresources, gtk theme, audacious, etc are inside the zip file
Other files like tint2, wallpaper, Xresources, cmus, ranger etc are inside the zip file. The fonts I use are Noto Sans, Open Sans, and M+.
If the button is too small, plase increase the titlebar font size (obconf). Button size is following the text size.
Listen to music I mention above. Then, just clone this to your themes folder (but first make sure there is no .git folder inside your ~/.themes folder, if You find it just delete)
git clone ~/.themes
Then apply a theme You desire using LX Appearance or Obconf.
Most of these are based on Arc Openbox Theme by Dino Duratović, The window buttons are taken from 1977 Openbox Theme. And titlebar buttons in Arroundie are taken from Dylan's dotfiles.
Of course, GPL. Feel free to modify and share these themes.
In this Imgur Album and Zip File